CHAPTER 23: Productive Weekend

  “Should I walk you to the closest station? Is not far from here,” he offered.

  “That would be nice,” I replied with a smile.

  I love the feel of my hand in his as we walked side-by-side. I enjoyed his company and was conscious of the way that he was holding my hand. We shared small talk and every time he would turn to smile at me, my heart would skip a beat. I was so in love with his smile and probably everything else about him.

  “Thank you for walking me here,” I said sweetly when we arrived at the station.

  “Have a safe trip back home,” Kyle said before placing a large hand on top of my head.

  That gentle gesture put a smile to my lips, and I felt my heart skipped a beat again. He really knows how to get to my heart. After smiling at him, I boarded the train and was on my way home. I waved to him through the window, and he waved back until I couldn’t see him anymore.
