CHAPTER 31: Wanted by the CEO

  “Come on in,” I heard Lauren’s calm voice call out to me through the door.

  I entered the room, closing the door carefully behind me. Lauren immediately gestured for me to take the seat opposite her. I nodded and did as I was beckoned while offering her a professional smile.

  “Hi Karina. I hope I haven’t been keeping you too busy these days,” Lauren greeted me with a smile.

  “It’s always a pleasure working on all the projects that you’ve assigned to me,” I replied honestly. Lauren was a good supervisor and she cared deeply about the development of the people in her team.

  “I see. Well, this might seem a little sudden but…as of today, we have decided to transfer you to the CEO’s office,” Lauren stated in with a bright smile.

  “Sorry? I mean, excuse me?” I replied in shock, unable to hide my confusion.