CHAPTER 87 His Genius Idea

  “Let’s see what food they have on the menu. If there’s nothing that you fancy, we can always go to one of the restaurants in the hotel,” Ace told me as he offered me the menu book.

  “Thanks…” I thanked him softly as I took the menu from his hand.

  While I was sitting on the sofa in the living room of our hotel suite, Ace took out his laptop before sitting down close to me on the sofa. I glanced over to find that he had already started working on something. Suddenly, I felt bad for leisurely choosing food for my dinner while he was busy working.

  “Ace…is there something that I can help out with?” I asked.

  “Yes, order some food for yourself and order some for me too,” Ace replied without shifting his eyes off the laptop’s screen.

  “Umm…Ok…I’ll do that…” I mumbled.

  After picking out a few items that should work, I dialed the operator via the hotel phone to place my orders.