CHAPTER 99 Risky Move

  I wanted to tell him that I was also at my limit, but I couldn’t form the words. After a short moment of feeling his cock pushing against my womb, I came again. I knew that Ace was watching my face as it contorted into a mask of pure ecstasy as my climax hit me, but I didn’t care. Ace pounded his cock fast and hard into me as he sprinted towards his own release. He moaned my name when he finally came.

  “Excuse me! Is someone still here?”

  My body froze as I lifted my head up to turn towards the source of the voice just now. Someone is here, I don’t recognize that voice, though.

  “Shh…must be security…” Ace whispered calmly.

  Security? As in a security guard?

  That made sense. Who else except for us would be here this late at the office?

  What do we do now? The guard was right outside the door, and I was sure that the door wasn’t locked.

  “Can you get off my cock, Rina?” Ace asked teasingly.