CHAPTER 153 Late Night Love at the Office

  “Someone might come back…” I protested weakly before moaning as my lust took over when he started to suck harder on my neck. It felt so good, I started to feel goosebumps on my skin as my body enjoyed his skillful technique.

  “It’s almost midnight, no one will disturb us, and you know it,” Ace reassured me; however, I was quite certain that he didn’t particularly care if someone were to walk in on our lovemaking session. That was just the way he is.

  He captured my moans in his mouth as his seductive lips claimed mine. He parted my lips immediately with his exploring tongue as his hot wetness invaded my mouth. He sucked and teased my tongue as he changed the angle of our kiss. As the kiss continued, I felt my body getting weak as I started to melt in his strong arms.