Was I dreaming?

  Koko's POV

  After that day's incident, I tended to avoid everyone. I went about my business quietly like a mouse whose tail was cut off.

  I worked like a horse, wallowing in my sorrows and woes. I had no one to console me. It was just me and my wolf.

  Though she doesn't speak to me, I feel her presence from time to time. But just as she decided to ignore me, I did the same to her.

  It wasn't that I was blaming her or something, but I was too broken to console anyone or listen to any consolation. I just wanted to be left alone.

  The servants still pushed me out to sleep on the cold balcony, but I didn't mind as long as I could put something on my stomach. I Ignored their curses and insults. I swallowed their beatings whenever they deem fit to hit me.

  I never fought back. I refuse to fight back. Perhaps I was tired of fighting back when all I would receive would be worse.