CHAPTER 41 At the supermarket

  Koko's POV

  Walking towards the woman we wanted to buy clothes from earlier, I began to hear whispers directed at me.

  "Did you see her? Her eyes are just like a demon's."

  "Not just a demon, I heard she was cursed too!"

  "Cursed? What do you mean?"

  "I heard that she was driven from her pack because of the terrible things she had done there."

  "And she dares come over to our pack to seduce our alpha?"

  "But didn't they say that the alpha called her his mate? It was in the presence of his sentinels."

  Then a familiar voice said in anger." Who dares to say such nonsense? Who gives you the guts to say that the alpha would call someone like her his mate?"

  " That's what we heard, madam. The alpha called her his mate!"

  "She is not the mate to the alpha! She bewitched him with her cursed eyes!"

  "I thought so too. Everyone, let no one sell anything to this demon!"

  "Yes, we shouldn't sell anything to her!"