CHAPTER 43 Challenging me

  Koko's POV

  I laid on my bed after Laci left me. My mind was a mess and I didn't know what to do. I had thought of leaving quietly, but my heart couldn't accept that Niyole might have a difficult time again.

  He had suffered when his first mate died two years ago. If I leave now, wouldn't it be cruel to him?

  "Oh, goddess! I don't even know what to do! Should I stay or leave? If I stay, his mother would hate me and even the people in the pack would hate me too!"

  "But if I leave, Niyol might not be able to accept another rejection or the pains of being abandoned again. What should I do?"

  I was just rolling on my bed when the servants came to announce dinner.

  "Dinner will be served in thirty minutes, Miss. The Queen mother requires your presence in the dining."

  I really don't want to eat without Laci or Niyol, but it seemed I would have to. That was because Niyol's mother wanted me in the dining room.

  I wonder what she could be up to now.