Henry's POV

  I went to the bar area of the pub and ordered a strong drink with my Delta, sitting across the table. I slowly drank my wine as my thoughts were scattered all over the place.

  If Niyol was able to find Koko, then I would have to save not only my neck, but also my father's pack too.

  But if it was otherwise, then I should be ready to enjoy the benefits that came with Scarlett being a Luna. It was not like I was madly in love with her or something. She was just a pawn I was using to gain power, so I could secure my father's throne.

  My brothers were all eyeing the throne and I needed to have a powerful connection. It would be better if Scarlett could succeed.

  I looked around the pub and suddenly felt lonely. I so much wished I had a mate of my own. I was already feeling bored with all these prostitutes whenever I couldn't get through to Scarlett.