Eve's pov

  "I still don't know why you had to poke your nose into this girl's business, you don't even know her...."

  I looked at my neighbour with an exhausted expression, if it wasn't for the fact that I needed her help right now I would not be tolerating her sassy tongue, ironically she was telling me that I was butting into something that did not concern me when that was practically her hobby.

  "She looks like someone who has suffered a lot in life... And I am not losing anything by helping her..."

  I explained patiently as I rubbed the cup of tea in my hand.

  "I wish more people would be nice like you. Honestly that way I would have more customers because they will be picking practically every person they see on the street to bring to me..."

  My neighbour Margaret was a powerful herbal healer. She was also rude and quite blunt, but then again she was good at what she did and that was what really mattered right now.