Koko's POV

  “My dear, are you worried?”

  The Queen mother asked me for the millionth time and for the millionth time I shook my head.

  “No, Ma I'm not worried, you shouldn't be thinking about that...”

  We were sitting on the reserved seats for royalties and she insisted on sitting next to me.

  I had hoped that Laci would call me so that I could avoid that, but since she was with her baby and told me that she would rather not see the process, I was stuck in the situation now.

  I told myself that I would do my best to try and forgive her, after all she was the mother of the man I loved and I could not put her away from his life.

  But, every time she spoke, I felt myself getting upset and then every time she would stroke my hair or pat me on my shoulder, the urge in me was how to shove her hand away.