Koko's POV

  "And they all lived happily ever after.." I kissed my little baby to sleep after telling her a wonderful bedtime story, her eyes were closed with a smile.

  I walked over to her father who was standing at the door.

  "Isn't it crazy to imagine that one day she will be too big for bedtime stories?"

  He was always worried for Aurora's future, and so was I. On the day Aurora was born, there was this pit in my stomach, and I was overjoyed that I had finally seen my beautiful baby.

  But there was still something that trouble me and pulled at my heart, making me unable to be truly happy.

  Initially I thought it was because I was worried about the gender preference that existed in the Palace.

  But even after the heart warming conversation between my mate and I at the hospital, I was still very troubled, even though the weight had been lightened on my neck.