"Are we there yet?" Jessica asked. She and Rebbeca had both strolled towards a direction before halting to look around. It was morning and they were set to find Travis.

  "Well, can I see the paper again?" Rebecca asked as Jessica handed the now roughly squeezed paper to her. Rebecca glared at the paper before beaming a little. "We're around the place, all we need to do is to look for the exact street, let both wait here and maybe ask for help from a passerby!" Rebecca said and she nodded.

  Shortly, a lady walked in their direction covered well with no exposed skin.

  "Excuse me?" Rebecca said in the native language they could understand. "Do you by chance know this street?" She asked, showing the stranger the piece of paper.

  "Sorry, I honestly don't know anything about the address!" The lady simply replied.

  "Thank you so much then," Rebecca said, bowing her head as the lady walked away.

  "Rebecca, what did that lady say?" Jessica asked curiously.