Panic wailed all through Claudia's body. She hoped that her guard would bring Travis back to her, she couldn't sit or do anything other than truege from one place to another anxiously.

  She strode towards the bar area in her house. She brought out one of the most expensive vodkas before briskly pouring some into a glass cup, she was about to sip from it when the cracking sound from the door got her attention.

  "Well, were you able to track him down?" Claudia asked her guard who couldn't say a thing. "Didn't I tell you not to come back here if Travis isn't with you?" Claudia asked with annoyance.

  "I went to the bus station that he was referring to but then a wire had a short circuit and somebody yelled that the bus would explode. So, everyone instantly panicked madam!" He said.

  "So, because of that you didn't go and check what was happening?" Claudia yelled at him.