"Thank you," Manuel had said the minute Diana dropped a cup of tea in front of him.

  He took the glass of tea while he listened to what Jessica had to say to him.

  "Manuel, I need to get my daughter back. I don't know much of what my daughter has been through but I have to save Raya from that witch Claudia." Jessica said positively.

  "But how?" Diana asked from where she had been sitting.

  "Jessica, actually I have thought of a plan for you to get your daughter back," Manual said the minute he had dropped the white decorated cup on the table.

  "That's great, tell us all about it!" Jessica said.

  "We would get Raya, I would let you into Claudia's house." He told them as they glared at him asive he was missing something.

  "We would get Raya just like that? Isn't that some kind of kidnapping?" Diana asked with a confused expression.

  "How is that kidnapping when I'm her biological mother?" Jessica asked her but Manual was quick to interrupt them both.