Chapter 7

This of course surged their blood with vengeance where they even attacked unconscious wolf bodies to ensure

certain death. Nothing was held sacred anymore.

Sharpe ran past the border. He could not let this battle go on without knowing the fate of his family. It did not

matter to him if he had been exiled. Bark was his father and the sheep his adopted clan/pack. He snuck home,

donned one his back up sheep disguise and rushed straight into battle.

Just then Elder Ram and Highland faced off in epic battle. Leader versus leader. Horn vs. Teeth both were

seasoned leaders. But only one spent their life as a hunter and warrior. As one of his horn's actually broke Elder

Ram smelled defeat. However instead of having his neck ripped out a shadow came upon the dueling leaders

and attacked Highland.

When Sharpe saw the battle though he froze in horror. Everything was covered in blood and the stench of the

dead burned his nostrils. The beautiful clan he had known had become a land of barbarity. It broke his heart so

much he started to howl with no care of what danger it might bring him.

Then he saw a wolf about to murder Elder Ram and leapt into action. He had the advantage of surprise in his

sheep disguise and pulled the killer wolf with his teeth.

"I am Highland," the leader wolf raged, "which sheep can have teeth as sharp as a wolf?"

"I do," Sharpe said still wearing his disguise, "leave our leader alone, leave this land now."

"That is funny," Highland circled him, "do you really think you can beat me freak?"

"Leave," Sharpe said again his voice firmer.

Highland attacked but Sharpe dodged and bit his tail. A furious Highland went for his neck just like Sharpe knew

he would. The wolf sheep slashed his opponent in the face and while Highland howled made his killer strike and

ripped out Highland's throat. The wolf leader fell to the ground dead.

"Leader?" Remus voice was heard, "no Highland," he said sadly.

"Elder Ram! Are you all right?" Bark turned to check on their leader.

At that moment an enraged Remus lounged to strike. But was stopped by an enraged Sharpe.

"You dare attack my father from behind you coward?" Sharpe raged, "you will not hurt him."

Remus was too much of a match for the young inexperienced wolf and had him pinned in seconds. "I hope

saving your fake sheep father is worth your life."