a letter from Benedict

Dear Diana,

So much has happened since your departure from London that I hardly know where to begin. I doubt the new will have reached you yet of Daphne’s marriage. Yes, indeed the chain of events leading to the engagement surprised me greatly. I shall attempt to relay them as accurately and to the best of my ability.

Firstly though, I hope you are well and enjoying the continent. It has been awfully quiet without you and I miss you dearly - as does Eloise who had taken to complaining of your absence almost hourly. We long for your return, especially now that Daphne has left us.

Now, I shall address the matter at hand. Following your departure, there was some small scuffle with the Prince which was abruptly put to rest when Anthony discovered Daphne and Simon alone in the dark walk.

He will not tell us the exact details of the evening, however, I’m sure it will not be too difficult for you to piece together when I tell you that the next morning a duel ensued.

Thankfully no one was harmed and the Duke ultimately relented and agreed to marry Daphne. Although I must admit they did not look to be particularly happy about the arrangement.

Alas, earlier this week they were married and had since left for Clyvedon - which, you will most likely know, is Lord Hastings’ country estate.

The Prince has long since departed from London, saying (and I believe this will be of interest to you) that “the only reason I had to stay has left these shores”. I wonder, dear sister, what or whom could he possibly be referring to?

Finally, mother has been pestering me to marry again. Please write to her and tell her to stop it. It is not appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Benedict Bridgerton& Anthony