chapter fifteen - a pineapple

Once they had all settled in at the place, Princess Hestia was kind enough to invite them to a private dinner with herself and the Prince - their parents were both presently occupied with matters of state, however, the siblings were more than capable of providing a warm welcome.

Diana was absolutely dreading the prospect of spending any time at all with any kind of royalty, not least because Prince Hektor seemed to be a persistent reminder of another Prince she knew.

But, regardless, she was unable to find any kind of excuse to avoid their company and so was dragged down to dinner by a rather feisty Miss Waters.

“Ah Miss Bridgerton, you have arrived,” came an excited Hestia moments after she had arrived downstairs, “I was beginning to think you might have gotten lost up there!”

Diana held back a snort, “nearly, but alas here I am.” Her tone of voice, however, made her discomfort quiet clear.

“Do not worry yourself. Hektor is about as intimidating as a bunch of kittens - although he will protest otherwise - and I am quite determined to make something of a sister out of you,” Hestia said as she interlaced her arm with Diana’s and led her toward the dining room.

Registering the last sentence, Diana Bridgerton turned to the girl with a look of horror. Seeing her expression, the Princess could do little more than chuckle.

“I am not serious, do not worry. Indeed, from what I have heard you are already taken by another Prince.”

There was a knowing look on her face that only young women determined to uncover gossip could ever muster.

“Prince Friedrich does not hold any kind of affection for me,” came a nonchalant response. Yes, Diana had quite put him behind her now.

“I did not mention anything of Prince Friedrich. Who is Prince Friedrich?”

‘That vixen!’ Thought Diana.

“Whomever he is, you must be quite infatuated considering he was your first thought at my reference to romance,” Hestia was now determined to uncover the true extent of her new friend’s feelings for the man. She was already quite aware of his own - for he had written to her brother seeking assistance on the matter not a fortnight ago.

“It is of no matter,” began Diana, “he holds me in no regard and I am quite determined to forget him.” She declared this resolutely, but inside her resolve was not quite so strong.

“Is that so? Well in that case perhaps my comment about becoming sisters was a genuine one,” the Princess sent her a discreet wink.

Diana only shook her head in mirth at the girl’s playful nature.

Having now finally arrived in the dining hall, grandly decorated in golden detailing. She found herself met with a table of immense extravagance. Foods she could now her have even imagined existing were now placed in China bowls or silver platters.

“Is that...” poor Diana nearly choked in shock, “it cannot be! Is that... a pineapple.”

Hestia giggled at the girl’s surprise motioning that she could go forward and inspect the exotic fruit.

“It is indeed. Hearing of your imminent arrival, my brother demanded only the best be laid out for you.”

Diana was too enraptured to even comprehend her new friend’s reply. She was far too busy inspecting the delicacy in front of her.

It was so rough and spiky, she became somewhat unsure if she should even want to eat the fruit. It looked exuberant but it did not exactly seem quite so appealing as she had imagined.

Clearly her face showed her thoughts for the Princess was quick to put her fears to rest.

“It tastes lovely, my darling. You’ll never try anything quite like it! Indeed, I’ll have one of the servants cut you a slice this very moment! Oh, I cannot wait to see your expression.

Diana promptly assured her that this was not necessary. In fact, she had became rather fearful of the fruit. It’s spookiness was a little intimidating.

“What on earth has caught your attention in such a serious manner, sister!” Came the deep voice of Prince Hektor, “ah, I see. You have been introduced to our resident pineapple. We had it bought specifically for you, Miss Bridgerton. So I do hope you will try at least a little bit.”

Diana, who was now quite horrified at the prospect of eating the pineapple, promptly shook her head no.

“Very well then, I shall not force you. Perhaps we might discuss something else? There is a matter of some interest to me which I believe concerns you, please sit down and we can discuss it further.” His voice had taken on a solemnity which shook Diana, so much so that she found hesrelf unable to do anything but oblige him in his request.

"Oh shush, Hektor! You need not worry her with such issues so early on in her stay. There will be plenty of time before he arrives," she trailed off, realising the slip of her tongue.

Diana glanced up at her confused.

'Who could they be referring to?' Her inner voice questioned.

"Do not trouble yourself, Diana. My brother means no harm," spoke Hestia kindly as she floated round the table to her seat.

These words, however, did not provide much comfort to the Bridgerton's mind which was now buzzing in contemplation at the Prince's comment.

"I'd like to take a walk with you later, Miss Bridgerton. Regardless of what my sister says, we do indeed have much to discuss," he whispered before joining his sister.

Diana had not felt this confused in quite some time. She suddenly wished to hear the comforting voice of her brothers, to snuggle up in bed with Eloise, or read a bedtime story to Hyacinth.

Yes, she was beginning to feel the distance between herself and her family. And it pained her greatly.


My dear readers,

Firstly, I hope you're all well and have had a productive day so far!

This is just a short chapter as I hope to update the next one tomorrow which will likely be much longer. I wonder what it is the prince wishes to discuss with our darling protagonist?

We shall have to see.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Yours trulyValentina