chapter eighteen - reunited

A week passed comfortably in the palace as Diana and Theodore got to know the Prussian king and Queen. Diana had determinedly worked to prevent Augustus from spending any time alone with them, for fear that he would let slip some embarrassing tale about her.

On the eighth day, a Sunday, Diana had returned from attending the morning service at one of the smaller churches in the area to find the palace even more hectic than usual.

Sparing a confused glance at Miss Waters, the two wandered into the entrance hall of the building and through the corridors to the primary reception room where the royal family usually spent their Sunday mornings.

“What do you think has caused such a stir?” Whispered Juno Waters as they neared the room.

“I have no idea. Hektor didn’t mention anything about entertaining guests.”

Alas, their confusion was promptly resolved when one of the serving maids opened the door to the reception room, revealing both royal families and her own companions crowded around a young blonde Prince.

Diana Bridgerton’s eyes shot open as she took a step back, debating whether or not she could get away with running from the room without being noticed.

Unfortunately she had no such luck. Augustus, ever the devilish dog, caught sight of her and immediately made her presence known to the company.

“Diana! What a pleasant surprise, we did not expect you back so soon!”

She sent him a sharp glare before putting on a smile and entering into the room.

At Augustus’ comment, Friedrich shot around to look at her. As he did, a broad grin made its way onto his face.

The rest of the room watched in silence as he made his way over to her.

“Miss Bridgerton, I am glad to have found you here. We did not have the chance to say goodbye when you left London.”

She blushed slightly at his comment.

“Yes - er-“ Diana found herself struggling to form any coherent sentences.

Friedrich found himself feeling the urge to chuckle at her response, but just about managed to prevent doing so.

She was so different to the girl who had left London six weeks ago, and yet, at the same time, she was exactly as he had remembered.

Seeing her here left no doubt in his mind; he was in love with Diana Bridgerton and no one - not even the Queen of England - could deny his affections.

However, he was still unsure as to the lady’s feelings. No matter how deeply he cared for her, Friedrich would not ask anything too... forward until he was certain she felt the same.

“Are you enjoying your travels?” He asked in an attempt to put the girl out of her misery.

“Yes, very - er - very much,” she stuttered, he face turning red. This was only made worse by the watchful eyes that were carefully observing their interaction.

“Would you like to join me on a walk around the gardens? I have not need in the palace in some time and I hear tell that you are fond of them.”

If it was even possible, Diana Bridgerton blushed even harder.

“That sounds like a lovely idea,” interrupted Hestia, for she felt as though she had seen enough of her friend’s squirming. “Juno and I can join them.”

Miss Waters, who it seemed had become quite well acquainted with the Grecian Princess during their stay, sent her a knowing glance as they struggled to contain their mirth.

“I’d be delighted.”


As so, without any comprehension of what exactly was going on, Diana was dragged through the palace halls by an eager Hestia who was desperate to take the opportunity to observe her new favourite couple.

The quartet began walking as a group, however Hestia and Juno promptly slowed down their walking pace, with Juno declaring something about a desire to pick some of the Greek wildflowers that adorned the path.

An idea which Diana found most intriguing considering Juno had often called them ‘disgusting little weeds.’

Regardless, the pair were left relatively to themselves as they wandered through the flowers and statues.

“The warmer climate suits you, Miss Bridgerton. You are even more radiant than when we last met.”

The girl let out an embarrassed snort.

“I doubt it. Although I have rather embraced the different styles. I even tried wearing a toga the other day- I probably shouldn’t be telling you that though for it’s not very ladylike.”

The Prince chuckled in response as he led her towards the main fountain of the water garden.

“I would have liked to witness that, I think.”

Oh! You have no idea,” she laughed as they sat down on the edge of the fountain.

He turned to her with a more serious look.

“I wish you had not left London, Miss Bridgerton,” his voice came out significantly quieter than she was used to. It created a sense of intimacy between them.


It was such a small question, but it held so much power. For although Diana Bridgerton had thousands of questions whirling around in her mind, this was the ultimate one. This was what everything boiled down to.

Why had he pursued her sister?


Dear readers,

You’ll be glad to know that, as The Downfall of Viscount Bridgerton is nearly finished, I’m going to try to shift towards updating this daily!

Don’t forget to vote and comment. Also, I’d love to hear you suggestions for the story (I have a broad overview but occasionally I do receive suggestions that are interesting).

I know this is a shorter chapter but I’ve decided to split it into two so that the Prince can fully explain everything in more detail and they can be all romantic - maybe.

Yours &c.
