Chapter twenty five

Diana Bridgerton was something of an impulsive character and had a tendency toward doing things she later regretted.

This was one of those occasions.

She was not sure what exactly she had anticipated in inviting the Prince to stay for dinner. For sure, she had hoped for some kind of peace treaty to be forged between himself and her brother, but deep down Diana knew this was near enough impossible.

However, no matter how awkward or tense or cold she imagined the evening being, nothing could have prepared her for the truth of it.

Anthony Bridgerton had been out all day doing whatever it was that young unmarried lords did with their free time, and the Prince had spent the day comfortably getting to know all the Bridgertons - well, Daphne was on her way back to town with Hastings and the Viscount was elsewhere.

Colin seemed to be enthralled by the Prince's affinity for travelling and Diana was very happy indeed at how easily they got along.

Hyacinth had taken to asking him a new question every three minutes, listening attentively to his answer and then conferring with her governess. This cycle repeated itself for the entirety of the afternoon.

Whilst Eloise and Benedict had been reasonable sceptical of him at first, they had soon come to accept that his feelings for their sister were, indeed, honest and true.

It made Eloise feel a little queasy but oh well, not all women were so opposed to the less intelligent sex.

They were all in the midst of a pleasant discussion about whether or not trolls were taller than dwarves when the viscount finally decided to join them.

Having not expected Prince Friedrich's presence - especially after his really rather obvious declarations - he did not pick up on his being there at first.

Instead, Anthony strode over to one of the sofas and flung himself down next to Benedict.

Violet, more than a little embarrassed by her eldest son's behaviour, blushed a little and turned to the Prince.

"You'll have to excuse Anthony, I'm sure he was unaware of your visiting us today."

The Prince smiled back, it was one of his gentle, soothing smiles that held an almost angelic quality to it. Well, Diana seemed to think so but then again, she was hopelessly in love with him.

Hearing his mother's words, Anthony sat up from his lying position and cocked his head so that he could see past the huddle of Bridgertons.

'For God's sake!' He thought to himself.

"Might I ask what you're doing here?" Began Anthony, "when I have forbade you from entering this house."

He rose from the sofa and crossed the room to stand in front of the Prince. The other Bridgertons had promptly moved out of the way, fearful of their brother's wrath.

"I have come to speak with you, Viscount Bridgerton," replied Friedrich calmly.

"I do not want to hear it!" Cried out Anthony, verging on petulant.

Violet's face looked murderous as she watched the scene unfolding before her and the rest of the Bridgertons were quite certain that Anthony was going to receive an extended lecture once the Prince had left.

"Let me speak to you, give me half an hour. If I have not gained your forgiveness in that time then I will accept your dictum and I will not return to your house again," the Prince looked hurt at the thought yet also simultaneously determined that he win this battle.

Anthony sighed, weighing up his options.

"Very well. On one condition... if you have not persuaded me to your cause, you will not only never return to this house but you will also never see my sister again. Is that clear?"

A silent gasp escaped Diana's mouth. Her brother was inexplicably stubborn and surely half an hour was not long enough for him to be persuaded to let them be together.

Glancing around, she saw that the rest of the room had had a similar reaction. All except the Prince.

No, her Prince looked as calm as ever. He looked as though Anthony was asking for little more than a walk in the park.

"I accept your proposal, Viscount Bridgerton. Now, I only hope I can make you accept mine."

And with that said, the two men departed from the room, forcing the remaining residents of Bridgerton House to suffer a nervous and solemn dinner in near silence.

No one said it, but everyone knew that there was no possibility of Anthony's resolve being shaken.

Diana Bridgerton would once again be left heartbroken and pining after a Prince whom she could not marry.


Dearest readers,

I'm afraid this is a slightly shorter chapter - I wasn't really sure where else to go with it and this seemed like a nice point to cut the chapter off at.

What do you think happens next?

Will Anthony agree to the prince's proposal or will he send him packing?

As ever,Yours truly,Valentina R