Chapter 11

~Kelly's P.O.V.~

I got up from the squad table and walked into the big room. I looked around to see everyone but Alison. It felt so empty without her here. I walked over to the equipment room and checked my things before I noticed her equipment wasn't there. Still under investigation. But why the hell is Riddle behind this case. Why him. It had been a couple days since Alison left and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked it go see it was Alison. The text read

I smiled and slightly chuckled. I walked back to the room until the intercom went off

"Truck 81. Ambo. 61 and Squad 3. Car accident person trapped. 2510 Johnson street"

Everyone put on their gear and got on the truck as we headed to the scene. Once we got there we did our job. Got the victim who was trapped. When we got back we walked in to the main room to see Alison sitting at the table

"Ali?" I asked

She stood up "Hey everyone"

I was the first to hug her before she greeted everyone else. We walked to the locker room because she wanted to talk

"How's Mills?" I asked

She's nodded "He's good. Listen I was talking to Voight today and he's offered me to go work with them for awhile"

"What about your job here?"

"It's not permanent, Atwater is going to be out for a bit and since I'm suspended here why not do something"

"Starting when?"

"Tomorrow" She said

I nodded "Okay. Sounds good"

"Thanks bro" She said hitting me playfully

"How was North Carolina?" I asked

"Good. Different then here but still good. It was nice to get away"

"That's good to hear"

"Hey Alison" Chili said as she poked her head in

Alison turned her attention to her

"You have a flower delivery" Chili said raising her eyebrows then walking away

Alison turned to look at me and smiled as we both walked into the main room. Chili held a dozen roses in her hands

"Wow, these are beautiful" Alison said as Chili handed them to her

"Ooo what does the letter say?" Gabby asked

Alison grabbed the small letter and opened it "Hope you had a nice trip at North Carolina and I can't wait for you to work with us tomorrow. Meet me at 1507 Waltz Street tonight at 8, I will take you to a place you've never been before. I promise you won't regret it. Signed Jay Halstead"

Everyone looked at her in awe

"Well gotta admit he's good" I said as everyone chuckled

Alison had the biggest smile on her face "I gotta go. I will see you'll later"

Alison began to walk out

"Tell me everything tomorrow" Chili said causing Alison to laugh before she left

"Alright everyone back to work" I said laughing

"Back to cooking" Jimmy said with a smile on his face

Odd. Usually candidates never like to cook. I walked outside and sat on the squad table.

"So Severide do I smell a wedding?" Capp asked joking around

"Come on guys they just started going out. Chill out" I said laughing

"Yea but they've been in love for who knows how long. We've all noticed it. And they finally figured it out" Joe said

I sat back in my chair knowing he was right. I chuckled to myself. My sister is happy. And I'm happy for her. Now if only her and dad didn't hate each other. The rest of the day went by smoothly. Shift was now over and everyone was in the main room

"Hey guys" Jay said as he walked in

We all turned to him

"Hey Jay.. what are you doing here?" I asked slowly

"Well figured Alison might be here. I just stopped by her apartment but she wasn't there so I figured she would be here" Jay said as he stood at the doorway

"But Alison is with you" Chili said as she checked her watch

I checked mine and it was 5 after 8

Jay looked wildly confused "What do you mean?"

"Yea those roses you sent her earlier. And the note that said to meet her at some address so you could take her to a place she's never been before" Gabby explained

"What roses. I didn't send her roses today. Or a note" Jay said with his eyes widening

My stomach turned into knots and my skin instantly went cold. If Jay didn't send her those roses and that note. Who did? Who impersonated Jay? And why?