Chapter 27

Back to work. I noticed Kelly wasn't anywhere to be found. Then I learn that he's helping Jay's team. I walked into the locker room to see Chili closing her locker. Not to be mean but she didn't look so great

"Hey" I said making my way to my locker which was across from hers

"Hey" She said trying to act happy

"So, what's up?" I asked trying to make conversation and I opened my locker

"Nothing, just another day at work right?" She smiled

"Hey look Chili I know you've been going through a rough time but-"

"What is it to you?" She said snapping at me

My head leaned back. Hell no she's not gonna talk to me like that

"Look I'm just trying to help"

She scoffed softly "Well I don't need your help"

"I know you've lost someone close to you but this is work. You have to focus on your work here"

She slammed her locker "No offense but you have no idea what I'm going through"

Oh that's it. I slammed my locker too this time louder "Your kidding right?"

"Just leave it alone Alison" She said rolling her eyes

"You know what you may think you can talk to everybody else like this but not me"

"Screw you" She spit at me

Seriously? Who the hell does this girl think she is?

She tried walking around me when I grabbed her arm but not tightly and she turned around to slap me

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You have no business telling me what to do. You have no idea what I'm feeling!" She yelled

From there on we began screaming at each other for what felt like so long until someone finally heard us

"Hey! Hey!" Matt yelled and pushed us apart from each other considering we were in each other's faces

"You have no idea what it's like to lose someone!" Chili yelled

Anger, emotion it all hit me like a ton of bricks

"What is going on?" Matt asked looking at Chili then back at me

The tears emerged "I lost my best friend who was like a sister to me!" Instead of saying anymore I simply turned my back on her and walked away

I walked to the room where they had the beds and the offices for the lieutenants. I ran my hands through my hair before I put it up in a ponytail. I paced around back and forth for a short time before I noticed Matt walk over to me

"Hey, what's gotten into you?"

"You should be asking her that" I said putting my hands on my hips


"She, she was just lashing out on me. She had no right to say that. That I've never lost someone" The tears were coming back

"Hey, just tell me what's going on"

"Today. Today is the day"

He looked at me quite confused

"The day" I looked up trying to convey the tears "The day we lost Shay" My voice cracked as I said those words

By then he instantly knew and pulled me into a hug "That's right"

We pulled away from the hug and I sniffed. I held the more tears that wanted to come down like a waterfall

"Have you spoken to Kelly?" He asked

I shook my head and wiped away the remaining tears "No, he's been helping out with Jay's team"

He nodded "Okay, well come on" He turned as we made our way back to the main room where everyone else was at.

"Everything okay?"

I looked up to see Jimmy behind the counter cooking. I nodded "Yea, everything's good"

I made my way outside where the trucks were at and took out my phone. I dialed Jay and held the phone up to my ear as it rang a couple times

"Halstead" He answered


"Hey baby, everything okay?"

I stayed silent only for a second "Yea.." I tried preventing the tears from emerging "Uh, how is Kelly doing?"

"He's good"

"Okay, I just uh.. I just wanted to check in"

"Okay. Ali you okay?"

"Yea, I will uh.. Talk to you later"

"Okay. I love you"

"I love you too" I hung up and took a deep breath before walking back into the main room. Everyone was either sitting on the couch or at the table. I took a seat at the table

"Hey hey so who's ready for that tournament tomorrow?" Hermann said breaking the silence

"You know I never understood why they called it tournament if they only go in once" Otis said

Some of us chuckled

"All I want to know is if you are ready" Mouch said turning to look at me

"Me?" I pointed to myself "Oh hell yea"

"I still can't believe they paired you up with Jay, your own fiancé" Hermann said

"He might go easy on you" Jimmy said shrugging

"Oh thanks for the support guys. Have any of you actually seen me box?"

Everyone fell silent "Right well I'm pretty badass at it, just ask Antonio. I train there whenever I get the chance"

"All I'm sayin, is that we better win" Matt said

"Oh we will, district 21 doesn't stand a chance against us" I said proudly. I opened up my magazine and began looking through it. A little later went by and Chili walked in followed by Brett. She glanced at me with dark evil eyes before turning away and walking away

"What's up with you two?" Otis asked whom was sitting next to me. I simply shook my head indicating nothing, even though of course I was lying, but I didn't want to tell him


I looked up to see Chief as he entered the room

"Have you spoken to anyone from district 21 lately?" He asked

"Just Jay. But that was earlier"

"Well everyone get on your gear. We're heading to the hospital. We need to be prepared in case we get a call"

"Why head to the hospital?" Matt asked

Chief looked at them before looking at me "Kelly is on his way there now in an ambulance. He's been shot"

Those words. I hated the most. Without even thinking I stormed next to the truck and placed on my gear while everyone else followed. We hopped onto the truck and headed to Chicago Med. My heart was beating so quickly. A million questions were whirling around in my mind. How did he get shot? What happened? Is it a major wound? Will he make it? Once we arrived I hopped off and began walking through the emergency room as everyone followed. Once we walked inside Jay was standing in the middle. I looked over his shoulder to see the nurses wheeling in an unconscious Kelly. My eyes widen and I ran to him but Jay stopped me by putting his hand on my waist

"Oh my god. Kelly!" I tried getting out his Jay's grasp

"Hey. It's okay. He's in good hands. It's okay"

Tears were emerging to the top "Oh my god"

"Hey Alison look at me"

My eyes were still set on Kelly

"Baby look at me" That's when my eyes moved to him. "He's going to be okay. The bullet didn't hit any major arteries. It went straight through, they just went in to clean him up. He's gonna be okay"

I moved my eyes but I didn't see Kelly anymore. Jay and I walked through the hospital to go to the waiting room. And everyone else followed behind. When we got there the entire police team was there waiting. Jay held onto me but when I looked up at Erin, fury hit my eyes. This was her fault. Quickly I grasped out of how Jay was holding me and charged at Erin. I don't mind giving out my boxing skills a little early

"You bitch! This is your fault!" My right hand balled into a fist as I swung my arm and punch her in the face