Chapter 31

I walked into the main room along with everyone else. The first place I wanted to go to was my bed. As everyone was doing their own thing. I quickly grabbed an ice pack and headed to my bed. I laid down on my stomach and softly placed it on my ribcage area. Luckily the ice bag wasn't showing. I grabbed a book and opened it as I began to read. I never really did this but I needed to rest. I could feel the cold  ice against my ribcage. I could feel it getting numb because of the ice. It felt good. I was there for about 30 minutes flipping the pages to the small book I was reading.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I looked up to see Kelly coming my way "Just getting some reading in"

"You been laying there for the past half an hour"

"So I can't lay here?" I let out a laugh

He stood on front of me "Chief wants to see you in his office"

I nodded "Thanks" He took a second, I'm guessing waiting for me to get up. But I stayed where I was. He turned around and once he left the room I made sure no one was around and I sat up wincing a little at the slight pain I felt. I put the ice pack in a drawer and took off to Boden's office. I knocked before I poked my head in "You wanted to see me Chief"

"Yes, come on in" I walked in and stood in front of his desk

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me "You did a fantastic job at the last call we responded to"

"Thank you sir"

"And I did some thinking. As you know Newhouse transferred to another house. Therefore his position is vacant. Now I've seen what you've done out there. And I think you would be great to fill that position"

My face lite up "Wait, really? You want me to be on Squad?"

He nodded "Sir, I would be honored. Yes of course"

"Great" He nodded

"When do I start?" I asked happily "Right now"

I nodded "Thank you sir, so much" He gave me a nod and I walked out. I changed my shirt. Once I walked into the main room everyone's eyes were on me

"You got into squad?" Gabby asked as she was sitting at the table

"I love you guys but, I think squad would be awesome for me"

"Uh, hell yea it will. Nice job!" Brett exclaimed

I high fived Hermann who was walking by and I began to walk outside and sat on the empty chair. Kelly had his feet up on the table. Joe and Capp simply looked at me

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Kelly asked

I gave an innocent smile "Is that how you greet your newest Squad member?"

Kelly's mouth flew open. They were all silent "Your what?"

I nodded "Yup. Newest member of the rescue squad" I said proudly

"Since when?" Joe asked

"Since right now. I'm filling in Newhouse's spot"

No one said a word, until Joe spoke "Well, that's, that's great. Welcome"

I smiled "Thanks" But when I looked at Kelly he didn't seem so happy. I knew he wouldn't. But this is my life, not his. A smudge of awkwardness surrounded us "Okay... Well I'm gonna go get something to eat"

Joe and Capp nodded as they continued to play their cards and Kelly's eyes were glued to whatever he was reading. I smacked my lips and stood up. Well, this is gonna be fun. After the shift was over Gabby and I headed to her friends bridal shop. I tried on so many dresses. And I was stuck between two (

"They are both so beautiful" I said after I changed out of the latest dress

"They sure are. And whichever one you choose I am going to give you a really great price" Kassie (Gabby's friend whom owned the shop)

I smiled and gave her a quick hug "Thank you!"

"Come on, we've got to get going. Thanks again Kassie!" Gabby said as we headed to the door

We exited the store and the darkness had already covered the sky "Thanks again for coming with me" I said as we both headed to our cars

"Yea no problem I wouldn't want to be anywhere else" She gave me a nudge which made me laugh

"Alright I will see you tomorrow" She waved as I climbed into my car and took off. Once I made it to the apartment I walked in and let down my bag giving out a big sigh. Man was I tired "Jay, I'm home"

"I'm in the kitchen babe!" I heard him yell

I took off my jacket and headed to the kitchen "Hey" I said with smile

He grabbed my waist and greeted me with a kiss "How was work?"

I nodded "Good. I got promoted to Squad 3!" I squealed with excitement

His face lite up "What? Really?! That's awesome baby" He pulled me into a hug

I smiled "I know I'm excited" We pulled away and I turned my head to see the table with wine glasses and candles being lite. I turned back to look at him "What is all this?"

"Well I figured a special dinner would be nice" He smiled and gestured his hand to the table

I smiled and walked towards the small table and the food looked delicious


There was a knock just outside his office. Boden looked up from his paperwork "Come in"

The door slightly opened and a young girl walked in "Hi, I'm sorry to come so late" She smiled and walked a couple steps to stand in front of his desk

"It's alright, I know you. Your Camille Rivers" Boden stood up and extended his hand

"Yes sir, I apologize for coming so late. I just wanted to say thank you for this opportunity, working at Firehouse 51 is somewhere I've always wanted to work"

Boden nodded "Well I'm happy to have you here" She gave a smile and turned her body towards the door. Boden looked down then looked back up at her "I understand you know Alison Severide"

She nodded "Yes, we went to high school together"

"Great, well at least you will know someone when you begin working here tomorrow"

She smiled "Yup. See you tomorrow chief"

He nodded as she walked out. As she did she had the biggest smirk on her face. She had planned this revenge of Alison for a long time. And now, she was going to get it. This is just the beginning.