Chapter 35

"Hey so when's the wedding already gonna happen?"

I was sitting on the chair near the big table "The weddings isn't till the end of this month" I said to Gabby who let out a laugh

I had my bed leaned back in the chair and began to spin around of how bored I was


Jay walked towards the firehouse where the trucks were at. He spotted Kelly who was sitting at the squad table "Hey Kelly"

He stood up and we shook hands "You wanna talk to Alison? She's inside"

Jay shook his head "Can I talk to you? It's important"

Kelly nodded and they moved away from the people inside. Kelly shoved his hands in his pockets "What's up?"

"Julian escaped from prison"

"Are you serious? Your talking about the same person right? The jackass that almost killed my sister?"

Jay nodded "Yea. He's been on the run for 2 months"

"And you guys haven't caught him?" Kelly asked

"No. There hasn't been any trace of him anywhere"

Kelly exhaled "Does Alison know?"

Jay shook his head "I don't want her to know. To worry about it. I've been looking into it. Trying to find him but he's basically a ghost"

"Thanks for telling me. I won't tell Alison, your right she shouldn't worry about this"

"Thanks Kelly" Jay nodded at him before he walked away


I stood up feeling dizzy after I was spinning on the chair for so long. I made my way to the locker room and opened my locker to grab my chapstick


I turned to see Mills approaching me and sitting on the bench "So what did the doctor say?"

I put the chapstick on and closed my locker. I turned to him and pressed my lips together "What doctor?"

He gave me a look "You did go to the doctor right. For your ribs?"

"Oh yea" I sat down next to him "It was just a rib injury"

"Rib injury? With no bruise?" He asked

"He had said he's never seen it before but he gave me medicine. I'm gonna be okay. I'm just glad Jay or Kelly didn't find out. I can't imagine how upset they would've gotten because I lied to them" I said with a sigh of relief

He nodded "Good. Like nothing ever happened"

I chuckled "Yea. Expect the searing pain I had been feeling over the past two months" I felt ugly. For lying to Jay, and Kelly. But especially Jay, I mean we're getting married at the end of this month

By reflex I stood up when the intercom went off. My chest went up. But it went back down when I only heard ambulance. Mills let out a small laugh "Come on, let's go back to the main room"

He put his arm around my shoulder as we both walked back. We were walking in the hallway when Boden was approaching us from the other end "Ahh just the person I wanted to talk to"

He was looking at Mills so I figured he wanted to talk to him "What's up Chief?" Mills asked

"Parker was filling in the missing spot on truck 81 but it was only temporary. And since you informed me your moving back permanently I wanted to give you that spot. If you want to"

My eyes widen with excitement "What? Your moving back permanently?!"

Mills laughed and looked at Chief "Yes. I would love to" Then he turned to me and nodded "I was waiting for a right time to tell you. But surprise" He let out a small smile at the side of his mouth

Boden nodded "Your equipment and everything is still in the equipment room. Welcome back" Boden managed to say before he walked away. I let out a squeal and hugged him

"I can't believe your moving back! And your back on the team!"

He laughed "Yea, I was homesick. Plus my mom is fine managing the diner without me"

I squealed once more before we walked to the main room. Mills stayed inside while I made my way outside. Truck 81 was cleaning their equipment near the truck. I began to walk past them when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Camille in front of me "Hey"

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? You know have a girls night out" She smiled

"Uh I have plans tomorrow"

"No you don't. I already asked Jay, he said you were free"

My eyes darkened "How do you know Jay?"

"Oh I met him at Molly's a couple months ago. We've become such good friends" She gave a smile that I knew was the devils smile

Hell knows all I wanted to do was punch the hell out of her but I knew I couldn't. I clenched my fists trying to hold myself back. I peered next to her shoulder to see everyone staring at me. I looked at her and gave a quick smile "I'm busy tomorrow, sorry" I bumped her shoulder on purpose and began to walk inside the main room. "Bitch.." I mumbled to myself. I planted myself on the chair

"Hey, so can I ask you something and you've gotta be honest"

I turned to look at Gabby "Mhmm"

"What's the big feud between you and Camille? I mean she's a really cool girl"

I exhaled "We went to high school together, even from the start we were never friends. Things happened and since then we've always been like enemies. I can't stand her" I confessed. Secrets are always better to be left in the past

"But why-"

"Drop it Gabby" I snapped at her suddenly. I felt bad, but I just don't want to talk about it. She simply stated at me and I stared at her. I stood up and walked away not looking back