Chapter 44

The next day I walked into work with a big smile. I couldn't wait to tell everyone "Hey guys" I said cheerfully

Everyone mumbled a hi and went back to what they were doing. I let out a sigh "Hey guys, I have an announcement to make" That's when everyone turned to me "I'm pregnant" I said with a huge smile

Gabby squealed and everyone pretty much ran over to me to hug me "Congratulations!" Gabby shrieked

"Okay Gabby I'm right here" Jimmy said with a chuckle

After everyone settled down and disbursed Kelly marched up to me. He held out his arms and pulled me into a hug "I'm so happy for you Speedy"

I chuckled and smiled "Thanks big bro" We pulled away from the hug

"I can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle"

"I know. I still can't believe I'm gonna be a mother" I said exhaling

He nudged my shoulder "Your gonna be a great mom"

"Thanks, but I wonder what I'm going to do now. Since I'm pregnant" I said glancing to the ground

"Well, my guess is you'll probably be behind a desk. But hey that's better than being at home right"

I snickered "Oh yea definitely. But this baby is going to be loved by everyone here. I know it"

He smiled "Of course"

By the evening I got home and wanted to do nothing but lay down. I exhaled after taking off my shoes and laying on the bed

"Hey" Jay said getting out of the restroom "How was work?" He asked kissing my head

"Exhausting. And I was behind a desk all day. Walking up and down and up and down"

He chuckled "For the next 9 months your gonna be feeling that way. May be worse too"

I have him a look "Thanks" I said in a sarcastic tone

He nudged me "How did the whole firehouse react?"

"Well they went crazy" I wrapped my arms around his waist and swung my legs over his lap "I'm just so happy. I mean everything falling into place"

He stroked my cheek "Baby everything is falling into place"

We kissed for a couple seconds "Yup" I said with a smile

"You want some dinner?" He asked standing up

I nodded "Please"

"Alright" He said with a smile as he walked out of the room

"Jay Halstead. Your a dad" I said as they handed me my baby in my arms.

He laughed and a few tears "Hi" He looked at me "Aiden, Halstead" He looked back at our baby

I smiled and looked at Jay "Aiden. This is our baby" Again a few tears came out of his eyes and he gave me a kiss

By the next day I was discharged from the hospital and spend a couple days at home. Afterwards I decided to take a trip to the firehouse. I walked through the doors

"Hey! Alright there she is!" Hermann exclaimed and everyone turned to me

"Oh my god is that little Aiden?" Mouch asked

"I swear he's the cutest kid!" Gabby said pinching his cheeks

I chuckled "Do you guys mind if we hang out here?"

"Of course not!" Matt said

I walked in and sat at the table. I took out Aiden from where I had him. I held him in my arms and everyone gathered around. I smiled and looked around at everyone. This is my family right here. Just like the everyone in intelligence is my family too. It's part of my life and Jay's life, it's part of us. And it will always be part of us