Chapter 11

"I tried finding out but it lead to a dead end" He said as he leaned against the side of my desk.

I leaned back on my chair and sighed "I feel like I'm going crazy Nathan"

"Look whoever is sending you those text is someone who is real. Your not going crazy"

"I don't even know his name? But somehow he knows me and apparently he's stalking me now. I mean he found out I almost drowned. Plus how the hell does he know what my favorite flowers are?!" I exclaimed.

My partner stayed silent for about a minute before looking at me "What if were looking at this the wrong way? I mean what if this guy isn't a stranger. What if he's someone you know?"

I looked at him "Someone I know?"

"Yea, and there's only one way to find out" He stood up from leaning on my desk "Let's go to that flower shop, see what we can find out" He walked to his desk and began putting on his jacket.

"Nathan we can't leave" I said with a scoff "We're working"

"So, all were doing is working on files the entire day and we can get that done later on before we clock out"

I thought about it for a second and stood up from my desk "Okay. Well I have a lunch date with Jay during my break so let's make this fast" I said as I put on my jacket.

Nathan and I headed to the flower shop and began questioning the worker.

"The flowers were ordered online" The worker said as he stood behind the counter.

"So much for surveillance cameras" I whispered under my breath as I glanced down.

"Do you have a name?" Nathan asked.

"Uh yea" The worker opened a book and began scanning through it "It looks like the order was put under a David Jones"

"Thanks" Nathan said as we turned and walked out of the shop.

"Let me call Lucas and see if he can dig up anything on this David guy" Nathan said as he took out his phone.

I nodded my head as we approached the car. I opened the passenger door and climbed in. A few minutes later he climbed in and hung up the phone.

"Okay. Well I don't think David is our guy"

"Why not?" I asked looking at him.

"Because I don't think he's sending you flowers from the grave. Apparently he died 6 months ago from old age"

I let out a frustrated sigh "Great. Back to square 1"

"Maybe not"

I turned to look at him "What do you mean?"

"I have an idea" He said as he turned on the car and drove away.

After being out almost all day we made it back to the district and worked on the files. Once we were done I turned off my computer and looked up at Nathan "Thanks for the help"

"That's what partners are for"

I light chuckle escaped my lips.

He stood up from his desk "We'll get him"

I nodded my head "Yea"

"I'll see you tomorrow" He said as he began to walk away.

Someone walked into our work place "You two, in Sargent Hill's office"

Nathan and I exchanged looks. We walked after her into our bosses office. Connor was sitting on his chair and acknowledged us when we walked in.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked as Nathan closed the door.

I recognized it was Lieutenant Brooks.

"You two were suppose to be working today correct?" Brooks asked as she stood next to Connor's desk.

Nathan and I exchanged looks again "Yes. We were working on files"

"Working on files?" She asked as she crossed her arms "Did any of those files require you to leave this district?"

"No ma'am" Nathan answered.

"Last time I checked when your working your suppose to be here or out there working on a case. Not running personal errands" She scolded.

Nathan and I stood there silently.

"Next time. Stay where your suppose to stay and focus on your work. No personal business"

"Dismissed" Sargent Connor spoke up.

Nathan and I scurried out with our tails between our legs. We grabbed our stuff and left.


"Hey" I said greeting Jay at Molly's.

"Hey" He kissed my cheek and sat next to me at the bar.

"I'm so sorry I missed lunch. Nathan and I were running around"

Jay ordered a beer "It's okay. We're you guys working a case?" He asked.

"Actually no. We were trying to run a lead on whoever is sending me those messages" I said as my hands were wrapped around my beer.

"You guys find anything?"


He leaned towards me "Is that why you haven't took one sip of your beer?"

I unwrapped my hands "Not exactly. Since we weren't at the district all day we got a talk from Lieutenant Brooks"

"Was it that bad?" He asked.

I sighed "No. But this isn't my first encounter with her. And from what I remember last time she doesn't like me"

"Well it's been awhile. Maybe things have changed"

I glanced at him "I don't think so. The last time I saw her she was after one thing and one thing only"

"And what's that?"

I took a deep breath before I turned to look at him "My badge" 

"You don't think she's really after your badge do you?"

I exhaled and ran my hands over my face "I don't know"

He grabbed onto my hands making me remove them from my face "Hey, why don't we get out of here?"

"I don't really feel like going home" I said turning my body back to the bar and wrapping my arms around the beer.

"How about a walk?" He asked reaching his hand out in front of me. 

I turned to look at him and thought for a second "Why not. I could use the walk" I grabbed his hand.


I walked to my desk the next day. I began taking off my jacket "Hey" I said greeting Nathan who was at his desk. 

"No time to sit down. We gotta get to the 21st district they need our help on a triple homicide" Nathan said already putting on his jacket. 

"Okay" I followed him out.