Chapter 14

The next day I approached his office. The door was open but I knocked on the outside lightly. That caught his attention making him look up at me. He motioned me to walk inside. I took a few steps inside.

"I want to respectfully apologize for my actions yesterday. I was wrong for what I did, I was wrong to say the things I said" I waited for him to stand up and yell at me but he didn't.

He put down his pen and leaned back on his chair "I saw a cop wanting to get the job done. That potential you have is good. Something I look for in my unit"

I stood still not knowing what to say next.

"Apology accepted Detective"

I let out a light sigh of relief "Thanks Sargent" I said with one nod.

"Shut the door on your way out" He said grabbing his pen.

I walked out of Voight's office and shut the door behind me. I blinked a few times and inhaled followed by an exhale.

I walked into my district and approached my desk "Last stop on the tour to apologies" I said taking off my jacket.

Nathan chuckled "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad we caught the bastard"

I put my jacket on my chair and sat down "Yea"

"So did Voight yell at you?" Nathan asked as he was sitting at his desk.

"Surprisingly no. He told me I have good potential. Something he looks for in his unit" I leaned back on the chair.

Nathan looked at me with a look "What?" I asked.

"Something he looks for in his unit? Wow, I thought he'd yell at you not offer you a job"

"What?" I questioned "He didn't offer me a job"

"Kinda sounded like it" He leaned back on his chair and picked up his boots to lay them on top of his desk. 

"He did not offer me a job" I said.

"Who offered you a job?" Lucas asked walking in. 

"Sargent Voight in Intelligence offered Cassie a job" Nathan said.

"Are you serious?" Lucas asked walking over to stand next to Nathan's desk. He turned to look at me. 

"No he didn't" I said rolling my eyes. 

"Woah congratulations" Lucas said.

My phone began vibrating in my pocket. I reached in to grab it "Would you guys shut up he didn't offer me a job" I said standing up and walking away to answer it. Since I still didn't have a phone I managed to activate an old one I had stored away.

"Lucas and Nathan are idiots but they're good friends" 

Jay nodded his head "Well at least work isn't completely boring"

I chuckled "Yea, well said" 

When Jay finished paying we walked out of the restaurant. It was an expensive place so we wore something formal. We walked out with our hands entwined. Once we made it back to my place he walked me to my door. 

"Well thank you for the date. I had a good time" I said turning around to face him once I reached the door. 

"Of course, I had a good time too"

I turned around to unlock my door. 

"So, I guess this is goodnight?" He asked.

I turned around to face him after opening my door "I guess so, goodnight Jay" 

He nodded as he began to walk away. 

I grabbed his jacket pulling him back towards me "On second thought" 

He smiled as our lips instantly crushed. I smiled as we leaned back on the door walking into my apartment. 

We were all working on separate cases for half of the day. I was working on one file when I noticed it needed a signature of Sargent Voight over at the 21st district. After letting my boss know I headed over to the 21st. When I got his signature I began walking downstairs. 

After walking down the last step I began walking towards the door. 

"Can I help you?" I heard Platt ask. I knew she wasn't talking to me so I kept walking as I looked down at the file. 

Suddenly I felt myself get pulled. The file flew from my hand causing the papers to fly everywhere. I felt something cold against my neck.

"Nobody move!" I heard a voice behind me. 

I saw Platt and a few other officers around draw their guns. 

"Let her go!" Platt demanded keeping calm. 

"Nobody come any closer!" I felt him grab the gun from my hip "Come on" He said we he began to move backwards.

I held up my hands as I slowly moved backwards with him. "I have enough explosives that will take out this entire block! Nobody come any closer!" 

I did exactly as he was told and walked into the empty office. "Your not gonna make it out of here" I whispered.

"I don't plan to" He said as he held the cold gun against my neck "Now shut the door"

I looked at Platt before I shut the door. He let me go and closed the blinds that were open. I leaned against the wall while he stood a good distance from me. I finally got to take a good look at him. He was in his mid 30's. Clean shaven, nice haircut. And I noticed the explosives he had strapped to his chest when he unzipped his jacket. He took something out of his jacket pocket and it didn't take me long to realize it was the detonator to the bomb. I swallowed that nervous lump in my throat. 

"Give me your phone" He demanded.

"Listen to me you don't have to do this"

"Just give me your phone!" He yelled. He was agitated. 

"Okay" I slowly grabbed my phone from my back pocket and handed it to him. 

He snatched it from my hand and dropped it. He stomped on it a few times causing me to wince quietly. Great, there goes my only phone. 

"Just tell me what you want" I said.

"The damn cops, they never do anything" He mumbled. I don't know if he was talking to me or himself "That's the damn problem! Whenever we call for help the cops never do a thing!" 

"Okay, I'm sorry for that but-"

"Just shut up!" He yelled "Shut up!"

I nodded my head as I continued to hold my hands up. I stared down the barrel of the gun that was threatening to go off. 


"We gotta get Cassie out of there" Jay said in a worried tone. 

The Intelligence team was upstairs. They had just gotten the news and were trying to come up with a plan. 

"We will"

"How can we Sarg. He has explosives" Jay said.

"It's a decoy" Platt said as she walked up there "It's a fake bomb. Now I'm sure the gun is real but the bomb is fake"

"How do you know that?" Jay asked.

"I know my bombs" She said in a smart tone "It's a fake"

"Okay, get the long guns" Voight said.

Jay moved quickly as did the entire team. 


Maybe I can talk him out of this "Talk to me" I said breaking the silence after a few minutes "Did you lose someone?" 

He finally looked at me. I didn't want him to die, I didn't want that. I wanted to get him out alive. 

"My daughter... I didn't lose her but I almost did"

Suddenly his eyes turned from menace to full of sorrow and pain. 

"Okay listen to me your daughter needs you. You don't have to do this" I pleaded to him. I took a few small steps towards him. 

He looked at me. He was going to surrender. I could see it in his eyes. I continued to walk closer to him "Please" I kept walking closer and began to reach out my hand. 

Suddenly a loud gunshot rang out.