Chapter 20

"Put the gun down!" I yelled.

I had my gun drawn at a suspect who was holding an innocent bystander hostage, someone he grabbed from the street. The suspect was someone we were tracking down almost all day, he was wanted for a double homicide.

"Put the gun down and let her go!" I yelled.

"I swear I will shoot her!" He yelled at me.

I held onto the gun firmly and didn't take my eyes off of him. The girl was crying hysterically.

"Come on man put the gun down" I said in a calm voice. I could see he had his finger on the trigger.

Nathan snuck behind him and held his gun to the suspects head "Put the gun down" He said in a calm tone.

The suspect froze up and a smirk came across my face. The suspect loosened the grip he had on the bystander causing her to run towards me. I put the gun down and reached out to her "Go with him" I told her and handed her off to the officer behind me.

I turned back to Nathan who was handcuffing the suspect. I put my gun away and approached him. After they took him away Nathan and I stood next to each other.

"Nice job you two" Sargent Connor said as he approached us.

"Thank you sir" I said.

"Thanks" Nathan said.

He nodded at us and walked away. Nathan and I looked at each other and smiled as we fist bumped. I held onto the bullet proof vest I was wearing as we walked away.

"Are you going to be at Molly's tonight? I'll buy a round"

"Not tonight. I'm having dinner with Jay"

"Okay, another night"

I nodded my head as we headed to the car "Yea"


Later on that evening Jay and I were having dinner with Kelly and Stella.

"So why don't you two work together?" Stella asked.

"Well, Cassie is this big shot homicide detective"

"It's because, the Intelligence team is full. Anyway I like working at the 31st"

"Yea plus Voight isn't a big fan on in house romance" Jay added.

Stella nodded her head "But if you ever got an opportunity to work at Intelligence would you?"

Jay and I exchanged looks "I don't know"

"She would make a great addition to Intelligence" Jay said with a smile.

I looked at him in admiration. Jay leaned in and we kissed.

"Alright okay" Kelly said with a laugh.

Jay and I laughed as we pulled away.


Nathan sat at his desk working on a file the next morning. Lucas walked into the room and handed a few papers to Nathan. He thanked him as Lucas walked away and Nathan kept working. He took a sip of his morning coffee before he continued working.

"Hi, excuse me"

Nathan turned to see a young girl walk into the room "How can I help you?" He asked putting down his pen.

"I was looking for Cassie Severide"

"She's not in just yet, you can wait if you'd like she should be in soon"

"I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude, it's just Cassie told me whenever I needed her to call and I've been calling her but she hasn't been answering. She told me she would always answer"

Nathan looked at her "What did you say your name was again?"

"Jade, Winslow"

Her name sounded familiar to him. Nathan then remembered Cassie had talked about her. He looked at his watch.

"She should be here" He whispered to himself. He looked up at her "Would you excuse me for a second" He said getting up and taking his phone with him.

On his way to Lucas's office he called Cassie's phone but it went straight to voicemail. Once he approached he knocked at his door.

Lucas looked up at him "What's up man?"

"I think we have a problem"


"I've called her probably a dozen times already"

"Look we could be looking at this wrong, she could just be sleeping in"

Nathan grabbed his jacket "There's only one way to find out"

He and Lucas left to Kelly's apartment. After knocking numerous times they left "She's a light sleeper, she would've woken up" Nathan said.

They climbed back into the car. Nathan sat in the drivers seat and sighed.

"Nathan.." Lucas spoke up.

"I know" He said as he turned on the vehicle and drove off.

They arrived at the 21st district and went inside.

Nathan showed his badge to Sargent Platt at the front desk "We need to talk to Voight up in Intelligence. It's urgent"

She nodded "Okay, let me buzz you in" She buzzed them in and they walked through the door.

Lucas and Nathan made it to the last step. Most of the team was sitting at their desk doing paperwork. Jay walked out from the coffee room with papers in his hand "Hey, has Cassie gone into work yet? I've tried calling her a few times but she hasn't returned my calls" He said to Nathan as he walked to his desk.

He and Lucas stood still and exchanged looks. When they didn't respond everyone was suddenly interested.

"Nathan" Jay called.

He swallowed that nervous lump in his throat. He then cleared his throat right after "She hasn't showed up to work, we tried calling her multiple times, and she isn't at her apartment. She's missing.

Those two words are something Jay never wanted to hear. He blinked a few times trying to comprehend what he had just said. Voight had walked out just in time to hear everything.


"Are you sure you can't think of anywhere else as to where she might be?" Adam asked Nathan.

He shook his head "No. This isn't like her, she would either be at home or at work"

"Yea and she always answers her phone, always" Lucas added in.

"Besides that we have no other evidence to show she is missing or if someone took her" Adam said as he sat at his desk.

Nathan sighed in frustration.

Kelly ran up the steps, he was dressed in his work clothes "Hey, did you find anything yet?" He asked as he was breathing heavily.

"No, nothing" Nathan told him.

He held up a USB drive "I don't know if this will help" He approached Adam.

"What is it?" Adam asked as he reached for it.

"A few weeks ago Cassie had me put up a camera in the living room. She kept insisting I was the one who took her pudding. I haven't seen it and I don't know if it will help" He explained.

Adam grabbed it and plugged it in "The last 24 hours are in there" Kelly said.

Everyone stood around Adam's desk as he pulled up the footage and began fast forwarding it. He slowed it down to last night.

"After we had dinner I took her back to the apartment" Jay said as they watched.

"I left early this morning for work. She was still sleeping when I left" Kelly said.

Everyone watched the screen as Adam slowed it down. It showed Cassie walk to the kitchen and make coffee. She walked to her room then back into the living room. She sat on the couch looking through something and drinking coffee. The camera was put on the edge of the wall giving the view of the entire living room.

Suddenly the door bursted open causing Cassie to jump. Someone wearing a cap ran towards her. She tried running to her room but the intruder was too fast. They struggled for awhile before he struck her a few times on the head. Cassie's body fell limp. The intruder dragged her body to the door then they were gone.

"We can't see his face" Jay said in a frustrated tone.

"Wait what was she looking at before? It looked like a file" Atwater pointed out.

Adam rewinded the tape to where she was sitting at the couch. He tried to zoom in to get a better look.

"That's the file she took from work yesterday. The John Porter case, the one that was connected to the murders in Indiana" Nathan said recognizing the file "Even when the guy was caught she never felt right about it"

"Wait I don't understand what does the case have to do with whoever took her?" Adam questioned.

The room was quiet. Nathan thought about it really hard for about a minute. He was putting two and two together, when it hit him abruptly.

"Son of a bitch" Nathan whispered.

Almost everyone turned to him "What?" Jay asked him.

"There's a good chance you caught the wrong guy"
