The cold chills trickled up my spine causing my entire body to shake. I clenched my teeth as I looked up at him.
"Your crazy"
"I like to consider myself an artist" He said with a freakish smile "You should see the portraits in my room, they're beautiful"
"It's you"
"The one who sent you text messages? Why yes. But you've known me before then"
I furrowed my eyebrows "I don't understand"
He began to walk backwards "Oh you will my doll... you will"
The sound of his voice sent more chills up my spine. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to go home, I wanted to be in Jay's arms. But I had to face reality. I wasn't going to get out of here anytime soon.
"Help me" I raised my voice up thinking and hoping someone would hear me outside.
"You can scream all you want doll. Nobody is going to hear you" He taunted.
He laughed in a creepy way as he creaked open the door to walk out.
"Help me!" I yelled loud "Somebody help me! Please! Somebody help me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs "Help me!"
When I heard nothing but silence afterwards I picked up my legs to press them against my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs and slowly began to sob.
Jay leaned on his desk as he stared at the white board. Slowly they were beginning to fill it up. They had a lead. But it had been 12 hours since she went missing. It also had been 12 hours since Jay hadn't slept. He could feel his energy level draining by the hour but the coffee was doing its job. He spotted Hailey in the coffee room preparing her own coffee. He stood up and walked inside to make his own coffee.
"Hey" He said grabbing an empty cup.
"Hey" She said in a soft low tone.
He reached and grabbed the pot of coffee "I want to apologize for the way I acting yesterday" He poured the coffee and put down the pot.
She began stirring her own coffee after adding in sugar "Look Jay. I understand what Cassie means to you. And the rest of us want to find her just as much as you do. But the way you spoke to me and the landlord at the apartment"
Jay poured only a little bit a sugar before he stopped to turn to her "I know, I know and I'm sorry for that. It's just, it hurts me to know she's out there and there's nothing I can do about it"
She let out a sigh "Jay, we're partners. We're supposed to be able to talk about things. Whatever you need to talk about I'm here, don't keep things bottled up" She touched his shoulder before walking out of the room.
"You did it...? You killed all of those people?" I whispered the last few words. I looked up at him.
That smile didn't leave his face "Surprise" He sang.
I scoffed "All of those innocent people, you killed them, murdered them in cold blood" I kept the outline of my mouth straight and my eyes flickered with anger.
"Everyone is born with an evil inside of them. I just ended their life before they could discover it"
My breathing was becoming heavier and my chest was beginning to move up and down quickly.
"It's time" He picked up the sharp knife he held in his hand. He began walking towards me.
My back was against the wall. His heavy boots were slamming on the ground. My heart beating faster the closer he approached me.
Kelly leaned against his kitchen counter. His arm across his chest and elbow resting on his arm. He listened to the silence that accustomed the entire apartment. His breathing was calm. He hadn't known how long he was standing there but Cassie kept flashing into his mind. His sister, whom meant everything to him. He heard the door open but he didn't acknowledge it until he heard a voice.
Kelly turned his head "Hey"
"Any updates?" Casey asked. He was wearing his uniform, he must've taken the truck and made a pit stop.
Kelly lightly shook his head "No. I don't know where she could be, I don't know what to do" He could feel the tears emerging but he held them back.
Casey approached him and put his hand on his shoulder for comfort "They'll find her, shell be okay"
He nodded at his words. He was trying to keep a positive mind set. He didn't want to think of his sister in a worse way.
"I got it. His mother owns two properties" Adam said standing up.
"Okay" Voight spoke up "Half of us go to one property and half to another. Let's suit up"
The entire team was suiting, putting on their bulletproof vest. Hailey was helping Jay put it on.
"Are you sure your up for this?" Hailey asked him. She was strapping on the back of the vest.
He turned around once she was done "Yes, I am" He said giving her a reassuring look.
"Okay" She said with a single nod "Let's go"
Voight, Kim, Antonio, and Olinsky went to one of the properties that was owned by the suspects mother. Jay, Hailey, Adam, and Atwater went to the other property.
It didn't take each of them long before they got to the location. They each drew their guns as they exited their vehicles.
Jay and the others approached the front door. Adam and Atwater went around the back of the house. Jay and Hailey nodded at each other.
Jay moved to the front of the door "Chicago P.D.!" He yelled just before he kicked open the door. He stormed in alongside Hailey.
Voight, Olinsky, Kim, and Antonio arrived at the location. It wasn't a house, but what looked like a shipping dock. There were loads of shipping containers laid around.
They approached the number which was owned by the mother. They surrounded the locked container and waited while Olinsky approached with bolt cutters.
Once he cut open the chain they all armed their weapons to the doors unaware of what they might find on the inside. Voight and Antonio each opened a door.
They entered the container shining their flashlights inside. They found an almost empty container. Cassie was laying in the middle of the container, blooding surrounding her. The closer they approached the more they could discover. A red line pressed against her neck.
Antonio put away his gun and reached for his phone. He glanced at Cassie, her chest moving up very slowly, she didn't have much time left. He held the phone up to his ear.
Jay along with the others searched the house. From what they searched so far the house was clear. After searching a room they yelled it was clear. Jay headed to the back of the house to check the last room. He headed down slowly keeping his gun drawn and his finger near the trigger.
He turned to walk into the room. But he couldn't pull the trigger fast enough. Just as he turned he was met with the barrel of a gun.
A loud gunshot rang out followed by another. One bullet entered just below where his vest fell. The other entering the side of his right shoulder.
He fell to the ground, his back hitting the floor, pain shooting across his body. Within a few seconds Hailey appeared by his side.
"10-1, 10-1 we have an officer down! I repeat we have an officer down!"