Chapter 24

"Where's Cassie?"

"Jay.." Will began.

The next morning they entered Jay's room to tell him the news. They each stood on either side of the bed.

Jay knew that look on his face. He had given that speech before.

"Jay, they found Cassie with stab wounds on her body. One stab wound to her abdomen caused some serious damage to her kidneys. She is in need of a kidney transplant" Natalie explained.

He could feel his heart racing against his chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not Cassie, not the person he cared so much about, the person he was falling in love with.

"Take mine" He said swallowing a lump in the middle of his throat. His eyes moving up to meet with his brothers.

"Jay" Will said in a soft tone.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Natalie said "You are recovering from extensive hours of surgery"

Jay scoffed "I don't care, this is Cassie's life we're talking about"

"And this is YOUR life we're talking about" Will responded "If you were to do this there could be complications, you could die if you do this" He said trying to make him understand.

"I don't care"

"Yes you do" Will said raising his voice "I am not going to let you do this"

"This isn't your choice Will!" Jay said raising his voice back "This is mine"

"Okay" Natalie said practically getting in between the siblings "First we would need to check if you are able to do this transplant"

Will turned to look at Natalie. He was giving her a disbelief expression. He couldn't believe what she just said. Will let out a scoff as he walked out of the room.


"We cannot just move Ms. Severide up the list just because she is a good friend of yours. There are people on the list before her who need it more"

"With all due respect Ms. Goodwin, Cassie needs this transplant. Without that transplant she doesn't have long" Dr. Rhodes tried to reason with her.

"I understand that Dr. Rhodes but those who are before her are in worst condition with less time"

Connor sighed "Those who are close to her have already tried but they are not able to give the transplant. She's running out of time Sharon" He had the look of desperation in his eyes.

Goodwin knew it was hard, but she couldn't break any rules.

"I'm sorry Dr. Rhodes" She said with a sincere sorrow tone.


Kelly was sitting next to Cassie. The room was silent expect for the beeping of the machine. Because her organ was failing as of a few hours ago she wasn't able to breath on her own. He held her hand and watched her, his eyes were moist he felt so helpless. He turned his head to the door and noticed April standing outside.

He stood up and kissed his sisters hand before he walked out "Hey"

"How is she?" Her voice speaking softly.

Kelly turned around to glance at Cassie before looking back at her "She's getting worse"

"Kelly, I'm so sorry" Her voice full of sympathy.

"You know, I hardly talk to my father. My mother is never around and I have a half sister who sends a text every once and a while. Cassie and I have gotten incredibly close since she got back. She's all I have April" His eyes were getting moist again "I can't lose her" His voice cracked.

She pulled him into a hug. The sound of his voice was breaking her heart. She pulled away but kept her hands on his arms "You have to be strong Kelly" She tried comforting him.

He pushed his eyebrows inward, his lips separating and his mouth moving downwards. He began to nod his head "Yea"


"Okay Mrs. Martin I am going to order you a CAT scan. I want to make sure everything is okay" Will said as he stood in a room with an iPad in his hand.

His patient nodded her head "Okay"

He handed the tablet to the nurse who was standing next to him "I'll be back to check up on you once I get the results" He assured her as he grabbed some hand sanitizer that was by the door. He rubbed his hands together as he walked out of the room. He walked over to the computer and began typing in information.

"Hey" Natalie said approaching him "I think you should talk to your brother"

Will didn't look at her "I'm not going to, I don't agree with what he wants to do" He continued to type.

"Well I think you should. Jay is a match, he can donate"

That made Will stop and look at her. He leaned his hands on the counter as he let out a deep sigh. Natalie put her hand on top of his "There's no way anyone could talk him out of this so just talk to him yourself"


"I know you care about Cassie a lot. But there are risks if you do this surgery" Will said in a calm tone.

"I know that, but I can't lose her. Will she means everything to me. And I know that may sound selfish but-"

"I understand" He took a few steps towards his bed "Your my brother and Cassie is my friend. I don't want to lose you both"

Jay could hear the sincereness in his voice "You won't. I trust Dr. Rhodes. I know I'll be in good hands"

Will nodded his head. He knew he was right. Dr. Rhodes was a great surgeon.


"We just want you to understand the risks with this surgery" Dr. Rhodes spoke to Jay while Will was also in the room.

"I understand them"

"Okay" Will said "We just need you go sign some paperwork then we'll prep you for surgery" He explained.

Jay nodded his head. He would be perfectly honest, he was nervous. But he knew exactly what he was doing.


My eyelids opened slowly. I had no idea where I was for about a minute. I heard someone walk into the room and appear in front of me. I blinked a few times and a smile came across my face.

"Hi handsome" I whispered.

"Hi beautiful" Liam said to me.
