Chapter Twelve: Quid Pro Quo

Antonio smiled to himself as he read the texts between himself and his daughter. He missed both of his kids so much it made his heart ache. Laura had finally relented on allowing visitation rights, they still needed to iron out the custody issues but he would be happy just to spend a little time with them. It felt like it had been an age since that had happened and he was determined to make sure that they knew that he was still their dad and that his feelings for them hadn't changed. He'd moved out of the family home last week and into a house of his own not too far away so he could be in the area if they needed him. Him and Laura were still discussing child support but the divorce seemed to be heading in a more positive direction now and he was glad for that. He didn't want his kids damaged by the fact their parents simply couldn't be together anymore. They seemed to be taking the divorce in their stride and he was grateful for that.

He placed his phone down on the surface of his desk on top of the paperwork he had been trying to work on for the past couple of hours. He rubbed his hands over his weary face in an attempt to shake away the cobwebs. It had been a long day and he knew the way things were working out that it was going to be a long night for him. Everyone else from Intelligence had gone home so the office was empty with the exception of Al who was floating around doing God knows what. The other man had the uncanny ability of appearing and disappearing at times of his choosing.

Antonio picked up his pen between his fingers and tapped it lightly against the desk as he cast a glance at Voight's office. The blinds were still down, shielding Voight, Maggie and Superintendent Regan from his view, what he wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall in there right now. There had been some raised voices about half an hour ago but since then everything had been quiet Antonio didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. He hated this, he hated the waiting and it drive him nuts not knowing what was going on in that room.

"I see they are still at it." Al asked appearing alongside Antonio, almost giving the younger man a heart attack.

"Jesus Al, we need to put a bell on you." Antonio snapped as Al leaned on Lindsey's desk and peered over his shoulder at Voight's office.

"Bell wouldn't work." Al responded, altering his hat so it sat more comfortably on his head.

"Noted." Antonio said, clicking the pen mechanism with his thumb as he stared at the door to Voight's office and willing it to open.

"Hey, thanks for sticking around tonight man." Al said , reaching out and clasping Antonio's shoulder in a fatherly fashion. "It'll be good for her to be around someone familiar. These first few days can be the worst."

Antonio knew what he meant, that last case he had worked in Vice had almost devastated him, the only thing that kept him sane was the thought of his kids. His love for them was boundless and they had seen him through that adjustment period afterwards. When things got tough he thought of his children and how they made his world an even brighter place.

"I was planning to anyway." Antonio found himself admitting as he clicked the pen once more. "I've got the space, it makes sense for her to stay a couple of days. Besides I have a ridiculous amount of flat pack furniture that I need help to build."

"Ahh quid pro quo." Al said with a knowing smile. "I'm going to take off but text me to let me know how it goes."

"You know I will." Antonio reassured the older man.

Al tipped his hat towards the younger detective before gathering up his holdall and leaving Antonio all alone.


Maggie looked exhausted by the time she left Voight's office an hour later. The dark circles under her eyes were a stark contrast against her pale features. Her loose hair cascaded over her shoulders, arranged to fall over the curvature of her slender throat to hide the vivid bruising that marred her skin. He wanted to tell her not to bother, that she shouldn't have hide them because they were a badge of honour, the mark of a survivor. Her fingertips were trembling as she fumbled with the zipper on the grey hoodie that Nadia must have purchased for her.

"Here let me." he said gently, his warm hands lightly removing hers from the mechanism before he fastened the zip and drew it up to her chin.

Maggie rose those cobalt blue eyes to meet his dark ones. He could see how tired she was, how much that emotional exhaustion was choking her up deep inside. Part of him couldn't believe that she was standing here right in front of him. Maggie had always been so fierce and independent but seeing her like this reminded him that she was just as human as he was, that sometimes you just needed someone in your corner. Tonight she needed to feel safe and he was happy to oblige. He reached out for her, his heated fingertips skating lightly over the apple of her cheek until he cupped her cheek.

Maggie smiled against the palm of his hand and Antonio felt like he was seeing it for the first time all over again. He had forgotten how good it felt to see her grin like that, it made him feel like the worst was over and that things were finally heading in the right direction, not just for her or him as individuals but for them. He drew her close, his hand lightly resting on the back of her neck as he guided her towards his chest, his sensual lips brushing her hairline. Her arms looped around his waist, clutching onto him with a desperation he could feel vibrating through the bones of his body. She craved that sanctuary and he would do anything to make sure that she felt secure. His thumb caressed the nape of her neck as he breathed in that sweet floral scent of hers. For the first time in a long time it felt that everything was in just the right place.

"I missed you." she murmured into the confines of his chest, her lips ghosting over the space just above his heart. Antonio closed his eyes at the sensation, burying his face into her silky hair as he spoke.

"I missed you too."