Chapter Fifteen: Reconnecting

Maggie O'Neill: (Group Text: Antonio Dawson, Hank Voight, Alvin Olinsky) This is my new number :)

Hank Voight: Thanks.


Al Olinsky: Got it. You busy tonight?

Maggie O'Neill: Was gonna spend the night looking up apartments but I can be persuaded otherwise.

Al Olinsky: Molly's at 8pm. You are buying.

Maggie O'Neill: You invited me out!


Antonio Dawson: Welcome back to the digital world :) Did you get the things I left for you on the coffee table?

Maggie O'Neill: You have no idea how good it is to have my identification back. Thanks for holding onto it for me! And the key to my lock up. My furniture is all still intact which is good news.

Antonio Dawson: No problem. You're officially Maggie O'Neill again!

Maggie O'Neill: Feel like celebrating tonight?

Antonio Dawson: Would have loved to but I have a private security gig tonight. Rain check?

Maggie O'Neill: Of course. I'll be at Molly's if you finish early if not I'll see you at home. x


Jay Halstead: Yo Toni, you got Maggie's number?

Antonio Dawson: I do but not sure I wanna be sharing it.

Jay Halstead: I just want to take her for a drink.

Antonio Dawson: Still not giving it to you.

Jay Halstead: Stop being such an ass. I want to take her for a drink to say thanks for saving my life.

Antonio Dawson: Uh huh.

Jay Halstead: What kind of dog do you think I am?

Antonio Dawson:...


Kim Burgess: Platt has just informed me I am getting a new partner.

Adam Ruzek: What happened to Roman?

Kim Burgess: He has to go away to do those coaching and mentoring courses so that he can become a training officer. I feel like I should be concerned. She just told me this girl hasn't arrested anyone in over two years!

Adam Ruzek: She's yanking your chain.

Kim Burgess: How do you know that?! Is she matching me up with another nightmare? I went through enough after Atwood joined you upstairs.

Adam Ruzek: I promise you, she's not giving you a nightmare.

Kim Burgess: How can you know that?!

Adam Ruzek: I've met her. She's a good cop, you'll like her.

Kim Burgess: So she has arrested someone in the past two years.

Adam Ruzek: No, she's right about that...

Kim Burgess: Adam, get down here right now and explain this to me!


Trudy Platt: I hear your girl is looking for a place to live.

Antonio Dawson: Where'd you hear that?

Trudy Platt: Around. I got a friend whose tenants just bailed. It's a nice place. She can move in as soon as she wants. Doesn't come with furniture.

Antonio Dawson: I'll text you her number.


Trudy Platt: 13A Sycamore. Be there tomorrow at 10am.

Maggie O'Neill: I have no idea who this is.

Trudy Platt: You're new Sergeant at the Twenty First District. Platt.

Maggie O'Neill: Hi Sergeant Platt :) What's at 13A Sycamore?

Trudy Platt: You'll find out tomorrow.


Antonio Dawson: Hi, do you mind if I come over tomorrow to see the kids? Maybe grab dinner at the restaurant?

Laura Dawson: It might be a better idea for you to come Thursday. Diego has soccer practice tomorrow and Ava's got a study group. I'm sorry about this weekend, I just think we need to do what the lawyer says until we have custody arranged.

Antonio Dawson: Thursday works for me. See you then.