Chapter Twenty Five: Mischief

It was after midnight when Maggie let herself into Antonio's small terraced house. The lights were off throughout the building but she knew he was here, his shiny black car was parked on the street out front. Her eyes were red rimmed and stinging from staring at so many pieces of paper for so long. Laura had been right when she said the accounts were a mess, however the two of them had managed to put them into some sort of working order. She hadn't meant to stay so late but Maggie wasn't the type of person to leave a job half finished.

Maggie crept quietly up the stairs before letting herself into Antonio's bedroom. She closed the door behind her, toeing off her black pixie boots before shimmying out of her jeans and removing her jacket and bra. She paused for a moment allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness as she reviewed Antonio's sleeping form, a small smile tugging at her pretty features. Through the thin sliver of moonlight cascading through the curtain she caught sight of her impressive man lying on his back, his right arm flung over his head, those sexy roman numerals etched onto his tricep. His face was buried into her pillow, his dark hair loose and tousled over his handsome features. Already dark stubble was beginning to line his jaw and she guessed that he hadn't gotten time to shave in the past couple of days. She liked seeing this side of him, he was usually so clean cut but here his guard was down and she felt like she was seeing the real Antonio Dawson. The one that he kept hidden away from the rest of the world.

A mischievous grin tugged at her lips before she climbed into bed alongside of him, her lithe form slipping underneath the sheets with a stealth she reserved only for her work. She was surprised to find he was gloriously naked. Her heated fingertips skated down from the centre of his chest, tracing around those faded bullet scars that were riveted into his tanned flesh. Her sensuous lips followed suit, her hot tongue flicking over the puckered indents causing Antonio to moan out loud as he drifted into consciousness. He was beginning to stir now, his cock hardening in response to her ministrations, his legs shifted allowing her better access.

Maggie placed her dainty hand on his muscular thigh, using the slightest pressure to rake her nails up along the inside of it. Antonio arched, his fingers tangling in her hair as she placed delirious kisses along the line of his treasure trail. She swiped her tongue across the silky tip of his cock causing Antonio to curse at the gentle tease.

"Maggie." he growled as she licked her way from the base of his throbbing erection to the tip and back down again. "You're driving me crazy."

"Hm." she responded before her pert pink lips encircled his cock suddenly. Her tongue swirled around the tip before she drove her wet, needy mouth down the length of his cock.

Antonio cried out, his left hand gripping the sheets in a white knuckled fist as Maggie sucked at his erection taking it even deeper than before. Antonio was in a state of unbridled ecstasy, watching his cock disappear between this sensual goddess's lips was almost enough to push him over the edge. Christ, she was a deviant. There was something about seeing his Maggie so confident and demanding that turned him on even more than the fact she was blowing him.

He could feel his muscles beginning to tense as Maggie lavished him with languid strokes of that talented tongue of hers. His lower back was beginning to tingle with the excitement of that impending orgasm. He was close, so damned close it was all he could do but grind his teeth to try and stave it off. He bucked against her mouth, his grip on her hair tightening as he said her name, a hint of warning in his tone.

Maggie ignored him, instead she took him deeper, her tongue flicking across the tip of his cock at just the right time throwing him right over the edge. The moment he climaxed was insane. The groan from Antonio's mouth was almost feral as he was dragged under in crescendo of pleasure. Maggie licked, sucked and teased every inch of him until he lay there spent underneath her. His heart was thudding like a jackhammer in his chest, as she took her rightful place beside him, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Antonio wrapped his strong arms around her, his grizzled cheek coming to rest on top of her head as her lithe legs tangled with his own. She snuggled even closer, their bodies pressing against each other as that familiar sense of unity flooded Antonio's system.

"You're gonna be the death of me." He chuckled against her hairline.

"It wouldn't be a bad way to go." she returned, a drowsy lilt to her voice as her palm came to rest upon the space where his heart resided.

There was no way Antonio could deny the truth in those words of hers. He listened to the soothing sound of her steady breathing, her body unfurling as she began to slip away into what he hoped would be a sweet, dreamless sleep.