Chapter Twenty Eight : Ain't It A Sin

The Langham's hotel bar was one of the most expensive places Antonio had ever found himself seated in. The stools were the white hard plastic signs that molded around the shape of your butt. They were not in the least bit comfortable, he didn't understand how people could stand to sit on one of these things for a couple of hours at a time. The shiny black bar was glistening so much that Antonio was frightened to touch it in case he left a dirty finger print on its reflective surface. He dreaded to think how much a room here cost of the drinks were anything to go by.

Antonio rubbed the space between his dark eyes fighting against the gnawing pain that was biting in the center of his forehead. He was overtired and overworked, the mental and physical exhaustion was beginning to get to him, right now he would rather be at home with Maggie curled up next to him. He wanted to be in bed, his mouth running all over that creamy white skin of hers so that she moaned out loud under his rampant tongue. Antonio adjusted himself slightly to prevent discomfort at that thought before he removed his phone from the front pocket of his trousers and reviewed the message on his display.

It was the movement that alerted Antonio to Layla's presence, that and the rustle of thin satin against bare skin. Layla liked to wear satin, the dress she was wearing tonight was black, hand crafted especially for her. He could tell from the way it hugged every single one of her defined curves. Antonio much preferred lace, especially the black kind that Maggie wore. Layla was a woman who was used to being looked at. Antonio had clicked onto that the second she had stepped into the room with that flowing glossy hair and perfectly made up face. She enjoyed the attention, he could see it in the way she came alive when she knew she was being watched.

That smoky perfume of hers flooded his nostrils, making his nose itch. He wrinkled it for a moment trying to shake the tickling. Layla always wore too much perfume, it was an expensive brand just like everything else she owed. She lowered herself onto the stool next to him, those long legs of hers crossing over one another in a motion that was supposed to be alluring. Antonio found her attempts to seduce him irritating but it did show him more of her character, she was manipulative and she thought that she could manipulate him. Her pearl white teeth bit that bright red lower lip of hers, sucking it into her mouth as she reviewed him with wide sultry eyes. Her long lashes fluttered as she reviewed him knowingly.

"Can I help you with something Mrs Rosalyn?" Antonio questioned, his tone cold and professional. She liked pushing buttons but she didn't realise that he simply didn't have any to push. He was happy with his life right now, happier than he had ever been. Laura and him had agreed to joint custody of the children, the paperwork had been signed and was being processed by their lawyers. Maggie and him were solid despite the fact she'd moved into her own place. He could quit working this job soon and go back to just being a cop. That was the dream anyway.

"Yes." Layla said, her motions predatory as she leaned forward and placed her warm palm on his knee. Antonio clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding against one another as his eyes narrowed. "I think we should go upstairs and then I can show you what I need help with."

Layla's fingertip trailed upwards, gliding up along his thigh. Her thumb was trailing up the inner seam before she squeezed it lightly making her intentions abundantly clear. Antonio reached down, grasping her hand tightly in his own to stop her seeking fingers from exploring higher. He made sure he met her confused gaze with his own stoic stare before speaking.

"Not interested." he said bluntly, releasing her hand.

Layla's perfectly kohled eyes widened in surprise as she reviewed him conflicted. He could see she didn't get it. She wasn't used to not getting what she wanted, it was a crippling character flaw of hers. He could practically see the cogs turning in her head as she pouted morosely before raising a quizzical eyebrow.

"Gay?" she queried.

"Monogamous." Antonio informed her sternly.

"Lucky her." Layla commented dryly, licking her lips at the possibility of a challenge. Antonio kicked himself for not gauging that response sooner. It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

"Lucky me." Antonio corrected, leaving Layla speechless as he rose to his feet. "I'm going to see if your husband needs another drink.


Layla could see the glossy black Samsung resting upon the surface of bar. It was Antonio's, he had put it down there when she had approached him for a little fun. She wasn't used to being rejected. Even before Asher men had fallen at her feet, now she had the money and the time she was irresistible. Her gaze strayed to Antonio as his hand clasped her husband's shoulder, the two of them leaning in close to talk.

Layla thought.

It was infuriating, she worked so hard to keep herself in shape, to make sure she was perfect all of the time and he had rejected her without a second thought. She had scoffed at his attitude towards monogamy, men always strayed. It was just a matter of time.

Layla reached out clasping his phone in her hand before using her fingertip to trace the pattern she had seen him draw a few times before. The problem with men was that they always underestimated her, she had always been a keen observer, it was how she got what she wanted in the first place.

The screen unlocked and Layla tapped the message icon before flicking through his most recent messages with a girl called Maggie. There were several images of her included, she looked so normal, so plain...

The cursor was flashing, it blinked alluring at Layla as she bit her lower lip and began to tap out a message.

Layla returned the phone back to its rightful place upon the bar, a grin playing across her lips.

Her work here was done.