Chapter Thirty Six: Magdalena

To say Maggie looked gorgeous was an understatement. She had always looked beautiful in Antonio's eyes, even first thing in the morning with no makeup and her chestnut hair all over the place. Right now though standing here in the parking garage of the 21st District she looked absolutely unbelievable.

Over the years he had seen her in a number of roles but he had never witnessed her become Magdalena. This was different, it made her different. She'd returned to station twenty minutes ago as a completely different woman. Her glossy, chestnut hair that had once fallen past her shoulders had been trimmed back so that those loose waves of hers tumbled past her jawline. The change was dramatic but he found he liked it. It made her look more dynamic, there was an edge to her now that seemed to have been missing over the past couple of months but it was back with vigor. Her bright blue eyes were sparkling, he didn't know if it was because of her pretty dark eyeliner or from the thrill of the chase. The hunt, he thought, he'd seen this in her before. There was an excitement in their job, a thrill and he understood that more than anyone.

Her dress was one that he had never seen before but he liked the way it looked on her. The delicate black lace looked glorious on her translucent skin as she stood there talking to Atwater. He watched quietly from the doorway as her crimson lips curved into grateful smile. Sometimes watching her was simply enough for Antonio, she was poetry in motion, the way she sashayed in those patent leather spike heels of hers made him want to rush her home to bed. He would give anything to pull her away from all of this but he couldn't. There was so much at risk involved right now. His career, his livelihood and everything he knew was on the line and Maggie would do everything in her power to get him through this. He'd try to change her mind earlier in the locker room but there was a fire in her that he hadn't been able to quench. Her vibrant blue eyes had been raging when he challenged her decision.


Now he was stood here in the doorway of the garage simply watching her. He didn't blame her would have done the same himself in her situation. He wanted nothing more right now that to whisk her away from all of this but deep down he knew he couldn't.

As a detective he could order her to do his bidding but their relationship had never been about that. They were a partnership and he had faith in her despite the circumstances. he believed in his heart of hearts that she would do everything in her power to come back to him.

Maggie glanced up as he made his way over to her purposely. Over her shoulder Antonio could see Atwater intentionally busying himself as far away as he could out of earshot. He appreciated the other man's reading of the situation, he could trust Kevin to understand that the two of them would need a few minutes before Maggie went under again. He placed his large hands, palms down on the desk of the electronics booth before exhaling deeply. Maggie said nothing, she simply inclined her head towards him waiting for him to speak.

"I hate this." he admitted quietly, his dark eyes betraying every single one of the emotions that riled up deep inside of him. "I hate the fact you have to do this."

"I'll be back before you know it." she told him, a small smile gracing those pretty features of hers. Her palm came to rest on the back of his hand, her fingers entwining with his squeezing tightly. Antonio focused on that fleeting connection before she withdrew, clearing her throat noisily as Halstead appeared next to them.

The other man was clad in an expensive suit, one that Antonio had to have cost more than a month's salary, where it had come from he had no idea but Jay looked the part in it. Just seeing the two of them standing next to one another made him suck in a deep breath and straighten his spine. This was happening and he didn't have to like it but he did have to get on board. Maggie's focus had to be on the mission and not on his misgivings.

"You ready?" Jay asked, his gaze pointedly on Maggie as she nodded her agreement.

"I just gotta grab my purse." she told him, before departing from the group.

"I got her six, man." Jay reassured Antonio, his hand clasping his friend's shoulder as they watched Maggie leave. "She'll have back up the entire time."

"Yea, I know." Antonio said bobbing his head in agreement before twisting towards Jay meeting his baby blue eyes. There was a seriousness to the other man that was rare but Jay expected it. He wasn't surprised when Antonio spoke and he took those words to heart upon hearing them.

"I'm trusting with you with one of the most important people in my life. Just make sure she gets back to me in one piece."