Chapter Fifty Eight: Catch My Breath

Erin Lindsey: Hey, I just wanted to check in and see if you wanted to go for a drink later?

Maggie O'Neill: I'm taking the kids ice skating tonight but I can do Friday.

Erin Lindsey: I'm a pretty good skater, mind if I tag along? I haven't been to the rink in ages.

Maggie O'Neill: Be my guest, you can help me teach Diego how to skate :) Eva's already pretty good.

Erin Lindsey: I'll meet you downstairs after shift.


Nadia Decotis: Hey, I saw that article on you in the paper. Looking good Sergeant Platt!

Trudy Platt: My mom was so thrilled to read it. She's kept a copy for her scrap book!


Gabriel O'Neill: Hey Mags you coming to mass on Sunday?

Maggie O'Neill: It depends are you delivering it? X)

Gabriel O'Neill: You are getting way too big for your boots. :) Yes I am delivering it.

Maggie O'Neill: Then I will be there, in the row behind the Golden Oldies.

Gabriel O'Neill: It's not my fault my fans are senior citizens.

Maggie O'Neill: You better watch yourself I hear this month's novel from book club was a saucy tale about a young priest that falls for one of his parishioners.

Gabriel O'Neill: You are having me on.

Maggie O'Neill: Picture message attached.

Gabriel O'Neill: That may explain something Ms Howitz said to me the other day...

Maggie O'Neill: You know what they say about women with experience.


Greg Gerwitz: Brunette in Voight's office. She single?

Jay Halstead: Mouse, you've barely been here two minutes and your checking out the talent?

Greg Gerwitz: You are the one always telling me I should get out more. Never mind I'll check.

Jay Halstead: Do not hack her phone!

Greg Gerwitz: I really wish I hadn't read those texts between you and her.

Jay Halstead: I warned you not to hack her phone.


Kayla Sharpe: Is everything alright? I've been trying to call Maggie over the past couple of hours but she'd not been picking up.

Sean Roman: It's not been a great day for her. Antonio has to go deep cover, they aren't sure how long yet.

Kayla Sharpe: I can't imagine what that must be like for her or the kids. Then again it can't be easy for him.

Sean Roman: Yea it's a tough one, I think she's probably still trying to process it.

Kayla Sharpe: I'll catch up with her tomorrow, in the meantime what are you up to tonight?

Sean Roman: Depends. Are you hungry?

Kayla Sharpe: Always.

Sean Roman: Dinner at Bellini?

Kayla Sharpe: You read my mind x


Kim Burgess: Adam told me about Antonio. I'm really sorry you have to go through this. You don't have to do it though. I've got your back x