Chapter Sixty Nine: Warriors

The gun was pressing against Antonio's head, he could feel the chilled metal digging into his skull through the material of his olive green hat as he inhaled sharply through his nose in order to fill his lungs with air. The additional oxygen soothed this thudding heart, causing the thrashing panic inside of him to subside just enough for him to think. He couldn't lose control right now, the minute he did he was dead and so was Manning.

It was true he had underestimated Parker's paranoia. This morning when Cooper and him had met up with the rest of the crew in the restaurant, he hadn't expected Parker to destroy his phone. That device had been his lifeline back to his team and now he was alone, the same way he had been the first time he'd gone undercover and befriended Coop. He could only rely on himself to get through this and he vowed he would try his God damned hardest to get both himself and Manning out alive.

Upon coming face to face with Manning he found he resented the other man more than anyone he had met in his entire life. He'd had a nice house, a loving family and he had tossed it aside by shacking up with some broad he'd met working for Parker and ripping these guys off for 200k. He was as dirty as they come and the only reason Antonio was even here was to save his stupid ass. It irked him more than he cared to admit and he hoped that anger that he was allowing to bleed through created enough ire in his eyes to convince Parker that he really was Mike Diaz.

"I think they both might be cops." Parker said, his calculating gaze studying Antonio's features with a frightening intensity.

Antonio embraced the persona of Mike Diaz whole-heartedly, letting the seasoned criminal in him take over as he sneered at the suggestion before glancing at Coop as if this was some form of ridiculous joke. The tactic seemed to work. Cooper was already stepping into the fray, his body language exasperated as he spoke to Parker. He might not listen to Diaz, a newcomer to the crew but hopefully he would listen to Cooper, a founding member.

"You're tripping now, bro." Cooper submitted, using his hand by the side of his head to show how insane the whole idea was. As far as Cooper knew he had killed a man a couple of nights ago for pulling a gun on him, it was a life for a life in that respect and he would defend his friend the best he could. "This is Diaz, man. We go back. The two of us are boys."

"No." Parker hissed, his gaze never wavering from Antonio's. He could already see the decision made in the other man's gaze, Cooper wasn't swaying him despite his persistent protesting."Something ain't right. I said there was one more test, didn't I? You blew it."

Parker's gun was out now in addition to the one that was jabbing into the back of his head held by Warfield. Antonio's jaw clenched, his teeth grinding together as he ran over a dozen scenarios in his head, none of them had the desired outcome. He was going to die here today and it pissed him off. He was determined to show no fear, he let the furious fire inside of him burn as he stared back at Parker with a fury he didn't bother to mask.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Cooper erupted, flinching back at the appearance of Parker's weapon.

There was a flicker of movement over Parker's left shoulder, a flash of a CPD vest and a gleam of metal. Inside he felt relief, his team were the best of the best and somehow they had managed to locate him despite the destruction of his phone. He owed the person responsible a drink if he managed to get out of this alive.

"Chicago PD!" The minute Voight screamed those words was the moment chaos descended.

Taking advantage of the distraction Antonio ducked away from Warfield's gun while his attention was focused on Voight, his body twisting away from the crew as he dived for cover behind the elevator shaft where Manning was being held. He didn't know who fired the first shot but he heard it, followed by the retort of several other weapons as the fire fight erupted. Antonio collided with the elevator shaft, slipping along the rusted wall before he caught his balance in a crouching position. It took him a moment to realise that Parker had followed him, the other man had his back against the wall, both hands wrapped around his gun before he peered around the corner of the elevator and began to fire the weapon.

Antonio hunkered over, feeling that rage building in his chest once more as he spied Warfield on the opposite side of the room in his own coveted position. Coop was nowhere to be seen and instinctively he knew that the other two men had left their friend to fend for himself in the crossfire. Parker was already looking for another way out, his callous eyes swarming over the opposite wall of the factory before he turned his attention back to CPD as they began the approach.

Antonio had no doubt that the other man was going to kill him, CPD were already closing in on their location and it would take Parker seconds to realise he was outgunned and out matched with a potential unarmed hostage located right alongside him. Antonio slipped the stiletto knife out of his sleeve, his thumb pushing up the button to release the blade. It glinted for a second in the light before Parker took cover once more, his back pressing against the elevator. Antonio grabbed Parker's arm with his left hand, forcing it down with all of his strength revealing that vulnerable spot right at the curve of Parker's throat. His arm arced downwards, driving the sharp weapon directly into the other man's throat causing him to sag back in surprise, his mouth open in horror as Antonio tore it free. Blood spurted from the wound as Parker's knees gave out, his lifeless eyes rolling upwards. Antonio dropped into a crouch once more scooping up Parker's discarded weapon before raising his head to see Warfield go down in a haze of bullets.

The shooting stopped, leaving a shrill high pitched ringing in Antonio's ears as he paused in his location, waiting for the all clear.

"Antonio, you okay?" Ruzek yelled from his position on the opposite side of the cement factory.

" Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Antonio called back before raising his head and catching Cooper's eye.

The other man's eyes were filled with disbelief as he stared back at his friend, the man he had formerly known as Mike Diaz. He was wounded by the betrayal, far more than Antonio had imagined he would be. Friends meant everything to Cooper and he had been duped by someone he had regarded as one of his closest. Seeing that anguish in the other man's features was tough however it was a necessary evil, one that long ago Antonio had come to terms with. Undercover was all about gaining people's trust and he had carried out his job flawlessly.

"You son of a bitch." Cooper snarled as Atwater put the cuffs on him. "You fucking traitor! He should have killed you when he had the chance"

The venom in Cooper's voice was justified. Antonio could reconcile with that but he couldn't let it affect him. He had to treat this like another day on the job otherwise he would lose his mind.

Finally it was time to lay Mike Diaz to rest. That persona was dead but Antonio Dawson was a live and he had his own life to live.