Chapter Seventy One: This Much Is True

They were laying in bed together, cream sheets pulled up to their chests, Maggie's slender legs entwined with Antonio's bare muscular calves as his fingertips glided over the vivid patchwork of bruises that marred his lover's pale flesh. He'd seen bruises like this before when they had worked together but he had never known them as intimately as he did now. In the past she had let him catch a glimpse when she was injured, her clothing covering the majority of her affliction now however he was seeing it in all of it's glory and if he was honest it rocked him.

"How bad was it?" he asked her, his dark eyebrows creasing into a frown as the palm of his hand trailed upwards from her knee and along the tender skin of Maggie's thigh. He allowed his calloused fingertips to dance along the fabric of her pyjama shorts as the look in his eyes grew distant.

Maggie sighed, propping her head up on her hand as she reviewed Antonio's brooding features. His entire focus was on her as his fingertips doodled the pattern of her bruises along the back of her back of her thigh, curving along the underside of her knee. She shivered under the caress as his warm touch graced her sensitive skin.

"I'm sure Voight told you what happened." she told him, unfurling like a cat along the length of his agile frame. She could feel his solid muscle unrelenting against her indulgent curves as she allowed herself to press against him.

"I'd like to hear it from you." Antonio murmured, his tone leaving no room for argument as he mercilessly explored her obliging form.

"It was bad." Maggie conceded, her own nimble fingertips ghosting over his bare chest, tracing over those familiar puckered scars. "But we're both ok, both still alive if not a bit worse for wear."

She lowered her head, her pert pink lips brushing over that offending white scar, the one just above his beating heart. Her teeth grazed it lightly, before she allowed her molten hot tongue to trace over the creased skin.

"I don't know what I would have done of something happened to you." Antonio told her, his voice hoarse and ragged as Maggie's deft palm smoothed over his torso delving even lower.

"I feel the same way about you." Maggie uttered as she nipped at the curve of his neck causing his hips to arch against her pelvis involuntarily. He was falling under her spell all over again, everywhere she touched him left a trail of fiery sparks prickling under his skin.

"Do you know how much I love you Antonio?" she whispered, her teeth teasing the lobe of his ear as her hot breath sent a thrill of anticipation chasing through him. "Do you know that you were all I could think about when Roman and I were trapped? That the only thing I wanted was to be here for you when you finally came home."

"Maggie..." Antonio keened her name like a sonnet as he grasped her wrists gently in his large hands, using the momentum to tilt his lover onto her back. He covered her wanton body with his own, his dark eyes boring into that bright cobalt blue gaze of hers so she could see his sincerity. "I love you with every single fibre of my being."

He dipped his head, capturing her parted lips with his own. His molten tongue teased the line of her mouth before dipping inside to taste her. The fingers of his right hand entwined with hers, her fingertips digging into his knuckles as his left hand slipped between them leaving a heated path in it's wake before delving under the fragile elastic of her black pyjama shorts. He moaned into her mouth, finding her already wet for him as his thumb skimmed across her swollen nub.

Maggie cried out in rapture as he slipped two fingers inside of her, his thumb working her slick clit slowly. Her head tipped back into the pillow, her hair loose and tangled as she rode his fingers, her impatient gasps echoing in his ears. He was building her up slowly, he could feel her desperation in the way she moved against him, her hips bucking against his. He used the weight of his own pelvis to restrict her movements. He didn't want her achieving orgasm just yet, not without him.

"I've wanted you like this for days." he told her, his voice as rough as he spoke. "I've spent hours imagining you underneath me while I pleasure and tease every inch of you."

Maggie's pale skin was beginning to flush under his ministrations. She was close, he could tell from the way she breathed his name.

"Not yet." he whispered, removing his hand from her pyjama shorts, causing Maggie to growl under her breath in frustration. He stripped her of her remaining clothes, he re-positioned himself between her lithe thighs before looking directly into those beautiful blue eyes of hers as they danced with excitement.

"I'm going to make sure you come with me." he told her, his aching cock penetrating her at an agonizingly slow pace before he buried himself inside of her all the way to the hilt. He kept up that gradual pace, arching his hips a little more each time until his gorgeous patrol officer was writhing underneath him. She was intoxicating, he couldn't get enough of her beauteous form, no matter how hard he tried. Maggie's nails scrapped across his back as she groaned once more in delirium, the noise was music to his ears, encouraging Antonio to pick up the pace. He thrust into her with abandonment, hissing through his teeth as he felt her entire body go taunt underneath him, those velvet walls of hers clenching around his cock, his name on her lips. She dragged him over the edge with her, drowning him in a torrid of ecstasy as the release claimed them. His body bucked wildly as a loud guttural groan escaped his mouth.

Maggie lay beneath him panting loudly, that amused smile gracing those pretty features of hers as she looked up at him her eyes glittering.

"Jesus I missed you." she told him, her fingers winding into his unkempt hair and dragging him down for another kiss.