Chapter Seventy Eight: Heart to Heart

Roman had no idea what time it was when he was yanked from the depths of his slumber by the loud punctuating knocks on Kayla's apartment door. The noise was loud and ricocheted around his head causing him to wince as he drew back the sheet and swung up into a sitting position. The vertigo was back with full vigor, a constant companion that that made his balance shift and his feet unsteady. All ready the room was spinning on it's lopsided axis as he swayed for a moment before trying to find his center of gravity. The meds he was taking were helping, the dizziness was less than it had been a couple of hours ago and he had heeded Maggie's advice and eaten some of the vanilla probiotic yogurt Kayla had in her fridge which had settled his stomach.

It took him a few minutes to stumble his way to the apartment door, clad in CPD sweats and grey and blue teshirt that proclaimed his love for the Chicago Cubs. Upon opening the door he found himself faced with the man he had only ever seen in the photographs that decorated Kayla's mantelpiece.

Phillip Sharpe was a man whose presence demanded authoritarian, even without the immaculate grey suit and the neat side parting in his ruddy brown hair. He was the same height as Roman, his piercing blue eyes an icy shade of blue as he looked the younger man up and down. Roman knew what he was seeing and he hated it, his blond hair would be disheveled, sticking up in unruly tufts all over his head. Those bruises that spattered his body and face were coming out in vivid hues now and there were dark circles under his eyes from the constant exhaustion he felt due to the concussion. He didn't look like the man that any self respecting father would want dating his daughter.

"Mr Sharpe." Roman greeted with as much politeness as he could muster. "I'm afraid Kayla's on shift until five o'clock."

"I know." the older man informed him, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he narrowed them slightly. "I thought it was time the two of us got to know each other."

Roman said nothing, he simply opened the door and let the other man in before closing it behind him, making sure to lock it. He waited for a second, leaning on the door briefly in order to get his balance as he tried to blink away the spinning room.

Kayla's father was already making himself at home, he had headed directly to the kitchen to switch on the kettle.

"Sit down, patrolman, you look like your about to fall down." he said in an even tone, taking two mugs from Kayla's cupboard and setting them down on a slender wooden tea tray.

He did wonder how much Kayla had said about him to her father, apparently enough to know that he existed and what his occupation was. With careful, controlled steps Roman slowly made his way towards the sofa, wincing as he managed to seat himself on it's cushions, the cute grey ones with the white Scottie Dogs on. Phil appeared beside him, placing the tea tray with the sugar pot, a small metal milk jug and their coffee cups upon the coffee table in front of the couch before he took up residence on the opposite end. He picked up the spoon before adding milk to his coffee and a spoonful of sugar and stirring it deliberately.

"So I've been doing some digging." Phil said, clinking his spoon against the mug before he placed it back down upon the tea tray. "And I have to say your a pretty well liked guy."

"You've been looking me up?" Roman asked carefully, reaching for his own coffee mug, there was a slight tremor to his hand as he fought to keep the mug steady.

Even that slight shred of weakness was something he despised showing the other man. He was already betraying himself far too much, he really hated the idea that Phil was seeing him in such a weakened state.

Phil reviewed the other man over the rim of his mug before he arched his eyebrows knowingly.

"I'm protective of my daughter. I like to get to know the people in her life." Phil informed him with a rueful smile.

"Without Kayla's knowledge?" Roman pointed out, resting his head back against the back of the sofa.

Phil tilted his head from side to side, choosing his words very carefully.

"Sometimes my daughter doesn't always know what's best for her." Phil said simply. "For example, the last guy wasn't very good to her."

Roman met Phil's gaze evenly, taking on the same frankness that Phil was exhibiting.

"I know about the last guy." Roman told Phil.

"Then you can understand my concern." Phil said pointedly, sipping from mug of coffee once more.

"That's the reason we're still having this conversation." Roman informed him, his voice taking on the same tone he used when he was on the job.

"Have you ever hit a woman?" Phil asked suddenly.

"No." Roman responded instantly. "But I have had to restrain one. You won't find any accusations of police brutality in my jacket."

"That just means maybe they weren't reported." Phil responded, leaving Roman staring at him indignantly.

"That means I'm a good cop who doesn't believe in using undue force." He retorted, feeling his temper beginning to flare.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Phil sipped from his coffee mug as he reviewed the younger man coolly. Sean Roman was giving him all the right answers, he didn't want to give the guy a hard time but it was important that he make sure Kayla was safe. He had failed her the first time, he would not fail her again.

"I hear your a boxer." Phil remarked, nodding at the bruises that marred the younger guy's features. "Looks like you lost a couple of rounds."

"I did." Roman smiled to himself, his fingers briefly touching the stitches that knitted together the gash on his forehead. "And I have a concussion and the bruises to prove it."

"Maybe when your better, the two of us can get in the ring and go a few rounds." Phil offered, raising his eyebrows knowingly. "I find it's the best way to get a measure of a man."

"Give me a couple of weeks to heal and that match is all yours." Roman promised, blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear his vision against the vertigo as Phil spoke.

"I'll hold you to it."