Chapter 17 I Love Money, But I Won't Trick My Own People

Karman was not used to the effect of the monocular night vision, but he was reluctant to part with such advanced equipment. He flipped the night vision upside down and looked at Joe Ga with his dim eyes, saying, "Those people are all experienced, a total of twelve. I've only seen such equipment on White Ghost. If they really intend to chase us, running won't do any good."

"There are two Black Mambas under that bush, and they'll get a nasty surprise as soon as those guys rummage through their backpacks."

As he spoke, Karman discerned the direction and pointed to a mound in the distance, "That's a decent hiding spot. Boss, your shooting is accurate. Once you spot them catching up, fire a few shots from there and then immediately run east; about a kilometer away, you'll encounter a pond.

"I will ambush them from behind. We'll meet near the pond afterwards."

Joe Ga looked at Karman in surprise and said, "Why didn't the Black Mambas attack us?"

Karman was stunned, not understanding why his boss seemed to be focusing on something different...

After a few seconds of silence, he took out a muslin-sewn pouch from his pocket and handed it to Joe Ga, saying, "This is a snake-repellent herb taught to me by a witch doctor. If you carry it with you while walking through the grasslands, it can prevent snake attacks."

After finishing his explanation, Karman pointed to a bush in the distance, "You go there; I'm going to find a position nearby."

For some reason, after going through strenuous exercise, Joe Ga calmed down. He waved his hand, pulled out a walkie-talkie from his body, handed it to Karman, and helped him put on the earpiece, then said, "Thank you, you saved my life!

"There were twelve of them, and I just killed one, so eleven are left. Do you think I can take them all down?"

Karman looked at Joe Ga puzzledly and said, "We don't have to take the risk, I can hold them off, and then slowly pick them off on the grassland."

Joe Ga shook his head, "No, we've been betrayed, probably by that Xiluk guy. Initially, he wanted to lure us into a battle with that Italian arms dealer, but when he saw I wasn't very interested, he notified the Italian.

"This guy must have misunderstood my identity, so he's trying to make a big fuss out of me!

"We don't have time to delay; we must finish them off here, otherwise, once the Peacekeeping Troops get notified, more people will get dragged into this because of me.

"It's already tough enough for those peacekeeping soldiers to hold out in this damned place!

"I love money, but I can't betray my compatriots..."

After hearing this, Karman was silent for a long while before speaking, "If we're going to stay here and block them, it's going to be very dangerous.

"These people are not novices. My ambush can take out at most two or three, after which I must retreat deep into the grasslands. It will take me at least 10 minutes to circle back and find you.

"As soon as you fire a shot, your position will be exposed. Can you hold out for ten minutes?"

Joe Ga rubbed his dry fingers and nodded, "I can, and you don't need to come looking for me. You just roam around their perimeter, and once they try to escape, you take care of them.

"So our current problem is, how do we lure them here?"

Karman, looking at Joe Ga's serious expression, hesitated before nodding, "You're the boss, but if you die, I'm running away."

Having heard that, Joe Ga took out the 6 kilograms of gold sand he had received that day and stuffed it into Karman's bag, then patted him on the arm, saying, "If I die, please help me take out Kilsa, the Xiluk guy who betrayed me."

"If I'm not dead, one third of that will be your bonus, and our contract will continue to be honored," Joe Ga said.

Karman paused for a moment and said with a strange expression, "Are you willing to take such a risk just to avoid bothering those peacekeeping troops? Is it worth it?"

Joe Ga shook his head and replied, "Then is it worth it for those young people to take such risks coming to this godforsaken place?

There are some things that are hard for me to explain to you. I'm no one special, I'm in the business of killing, I'm a bad guy, and bad guys shouldn't make good people suffer with them."

Upon hearing this, Karman nodded and said, "You're right, those blue helmet guys are the good ones. Once they mobilize on a large scale, the people of Kadyn are sure to make trouble."

As he spoke, Karman patted his backpack and continued, "Now I think you're a pretty good boss. I just want to get my one-third.

You stay in the bushes, and I'll find a way to get them into the best position for you to shoot.

We can switch up our tactics; your shooting is accurate. You'll be responsible for covering me."

Without giving Joe Ga a chance to object, Karman slipped into the knee-high grass like a ghost.

The wind on the grasslands rustled the vegetation, completely covering the sound of Karman's movements.

Joe Ga was now grateful he had hired the old man. After completely losing track of Karman, he turned and sprinted for five minutes and finally climbed the mound that Karman had pointed out, where he then lay in ambush among the bushes.

The advantage of the mound was its good field of view; at ten meters high, it was enough for Joe Ga to look down and see 800 to 900 meters away. As long as he could withstand the fear of bullets flying everywhere, this was the perfect spot to shoot from.

Upon reaching the mound, Joe Ga was lucky to find a piece of deadwood about 40 centimeters in diameter. He used all his strength to move the deadwood to the edge of the mound, creating a rudimentary position. Then he took out his SVD and rested his HK416 against the deadwood.

He needed a longer range. The HK416, with its short barrel and suppressor, and limited by its bullet and barrel length as well as the scope with about four times magnification, had a precise shooting range of only 400 to 450 meters.

Beyond that distance, the bullet's trajectory would drop and drift due to issues like retained velocity and windage. It's not that you can't kill people, but Joe Ga hadn't fully adapted to this way of shooting yet.

The starting accuracy of the guns he used was too high; he didn't have the feeling of shooting that comes from being fed with ordinary rifles and bullets like the average soldier.

After all, when you have adjusted the gun sight and can hit whatever you aim at within 400 meters, it's unlikely that many would consider the trajectory. They would try to improve their own shooting accuracy and speed instead.

Clearly, this SVD equipped with an electromagnetic acceleration barrel suited his needs at this moment much better.

In fact, Joe Ga's HK416 could shoot further. If he wanted, he could adjust the barrel length, change the bullet's charge, and make the HK416 hit targets accurately at 600 to 800 meters away, but that would betray the original purpose of an assault rifle.

The concept of a multi-use rifle is itself a fallacy; this weapon is designed for targets within 300 meters, or even 200 meters.

The all-series sights and quick-flip 4x scope mounted on top had already extended Joe Ga's precise shooting range to 400 meters.

Pursuing a greater range by adding a high-power scope would result in losing the ability to quickly search and shoot within 200 to 300 meters, which is completely unnecessary for him.

He was only accustomed to flat trajectories and the crisp and clean shooting feeling, without any hesitation or delay. To shoot further, he might as well switch to a different gun.