Chapter 23 I Didn't Mean To

At dawn on the desolate grasslands just outside Wau, Joe Ga helped the female spy down from the car.

The effect of the morphine had worn off, and the female spy had already fainted in the car several times due to pain.

Joe Ga sat the spy, who was groaning in pain, down under a large tree and tore the tape off her mouth, saying, "I think we just need to talk. You don't need to see what I look like, right?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as the tape was removed, the female spy let out an agonizing shriek as if she had to rupture her vocal cords within five seconds or it would be an injustice to her voice.

Joe Ga was startled by this inhuman howl of pain. He watched the spy, who couldn't move her arms, bounce desperately like a shrimp thrown into hot oil, as though she had nails under her buttocks.

Joe Ga, who had intended to interrogate her, was also frightened by the spy's condition. Her screams were so dreadful, and the bulging veins on her neck and forehead were a clear sign of genuine suffering.

Karman, seeing his boss's confused expression, stepped forward, propped up the female spy, kicked her onto the ground, and then patted her body a few times before saying, "Boss, if this continues, she might die..."

Joe Ga, confused, spread his hands and said, "What did I do? I just wanted to ask her a few questions..."

Karman paused for a moment, then said helplessly, "I thought you wanted to make her suffer so that she would comply, so I put her on a nest of red ants.

Being bitten by those ants feels like being burned by a red-hot iron. She just got bitten dozens of times."

Joe Ga, seeing the female spy shaking like chaff, apologized, "It was really a misunderstanding. Perhaps we should continue this conversation back in the car."

The female spy, hearing this, begged in a hoarse voice, "What exactly do you want to do? Please, I beg you, let me go, send me to the hospital. I can't take it anymore."

Joe Ga glanced at Karman and asked, "Will she die?"

Karman shook his head and said, "Red ants are not lethal, but they will leave permanent scars."

Joe Ga frowned as he looked at the menacing swarm of red ants below the tree, then surprisingly noticed they didn't attack Karman or himself. He immediately realized it must be the effect of the witch medicine Karman had given them,

Admiring his talent for hiring staff, Joe Ga said to the female spy, whose eyes were sealed with tape, "You must know that letting you go is not an option. You need to tell me what exactly you and that Italian Kirsty Murray are planning. Most importantly, who are you?

You both are well aware of the ferocity of the Caddians and the Ernus. Now you want to stir up ethnic conflicts within South SD, are you aware how many people will die because of your actions?"

As he spoke, Joe Ga took out his cell phone, switched it to camera mode, and said, "Start from the beginning, starting with who you are exactly. If I feel you're hiding anything from me, I'll leave you here.

You heard it yourself: these red ants are not lethal, they'll just leave some scars on your body. I believe your health insurance covers plastic surgery."

Wearing only her underwear, the female spy stood on the ground, unable to lift her shoulders due to extreme pain, with large red welts expanding visibly on her thighs and buttocks.

Now she knew she wouldn't be able to endure it, so she honestly said, "My name is Erin Andrews, a member of the England delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

I came to South SD as an observer this time to assess the security situation and human rights status of South SD two years after the ceasefire...

Of course, you might have guessed that I have another identity, though MI5 will never acknowledge it.

My mission is to create chaos in South SD and then use the Caddians and the Ernus to stir up trouble in the Southwest Kordovan Region and the Darfur Region."

"Why? Just because the oil industry accepted the SD crude oil extraction project?"

Erin Andrews shook her head and said, "No, we need their influence to not keep spreading south, and at the same time, we want their initial investments to get stuck in South SD.

As long as there's a change in the South SD government, the oil and gold industries here will be reshuffled."

Speaking, Ailin's wounds were aggravated, and she pleaded in pain, "Please spare me, I pose no threat to you, I've revealed my identity and mission to you, please let me go."

Joe Ga looked at Ailin in her pitiful state, he fought back the urge to question her about his own problems, and said, "Are those so-called 'geopolitical interests' that you guys always talk about really just about 'money'?

The US wreaks havoc in the Middle East, also driven internally by the desire to maintain the hegemony of the oil dollar.

You, a member of the Human Rights Council, deliberately create humanitarian disasters, just for the sake of money?

Taking over the oil industry in SD and using the pipeline will affect your oil field interests in southern SD, right? You're worried you can't compete, afraid that you'll be strangled and eventually forced to surrender, correct?

It's normal for you to secretly compete, but why can't you use normal methods? Or is it that you white people inherently carry the genes of robbers?"

Ailin, with her head lowered, remained silent for a long time before finally saying, "The world needs to operate in a certain order, and I'm just doing what's in the interest of my country."

Joe Ga was stunned by Ailin's rationale, he angrily said, "Bullshit, what national interest does southern SD have?

More people starve to death here every year than the number in your country who die in car accidents; in the end, it's all just for the sake of capital, for money.

You cause chaos in SD, support puppet regimes to buy resources at low prices, you're fucking wolves!"

Ailin fell silent for a moment, then hunched her back and spoke with a hoarse voice, "The Kadins in southern SD are not much better than me; they have caused at least 500,000 deaths in the past eight years.

The largest refugee camps in Africa are along the borders of southern SD, Uganda, and Chad, and the UN refugee camp in Wau, all due to the chaos created by the Kadins."

As she spoke, Ailin gasped for breath and said uncomfortably, "You're that arms dealer, aren't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't be so angry, because southern SD isn't worth getting angry over.

You can hand me over to your people, I give up."

After listening to her, Joe Ga remained silent for a long time...

Ailin's body was on the brink of collapse, but her mind was still clear, not only had she probed his identity but also sought to trap him.

At first, he truly wanted to hand Ailin over to the consulate's staff, but now he realized Ailin's identity was quite unique.

A United Nations worker being kidnapped is a huge political event in itself.

If word got out after he turned her over, he wouldn't even have a face to show, the Xiluk buyer would be dead too, while he could easily run off, but it would mean dooming the consulate's people.

Ailin was now a lump of mud, passing her to the consulate was like slinging mud into their trousers.

With the nature of Europeans and Americans, if they launch a media counterblame, it's just basic tactics, and at that point, right and wrong would become unclear.

It doesn't matter if you have video evidence or not; they control the media narrative. Just one word, 'all fabricated,' would brush everything off, and they could even accuse you of torture and retaliate.

This woman, still able to fight back in such a state, was truly formidable!

If he, out of patriotic fervor, truly sent Ailin to the consulate, would those people accept or not?

Thinking of holding a red-hot piece of charcoal, Joe Ga smiled bitterly, shook his head, took a deep breath, drew his gun, and with a 'bang,' shot Ailin in the forehead.

Joe Ga, in a terrible mood, glanced at Karman and said, "Dispose of the body, we're heading back to Ad-Damazin."