Chapter 29 Female Sniper

Africa spoke calmly, "I am from Liberia, and my brother was once an instructor at Surt Military Academy in Liberia. I started training there when I was 16 and joined a war that lasted eight months when I was 19."

As she spoke, Africa glanced at Karman, whose eyes were dull, and nodded slightly, "I have indeed killed many people. At first, I was forced to be an executioner, and later, I fought as a sniper.

After Colonel Ka was dragged out of a gutter and executed, my brother, to avoid being purged by the opposition, fled with me to SD."

Joe Ga looked at the calm-looking Liberian girl in front of him, incredulous, "You were Colonel Ka's female sniper?"

Africa shook her head, "I was not. The 'female sniper' you are thinking of was merely Colonel Ka's guard. I was a true sniper because my brother wouldn't allow me to become just a decorative object."

Joe Ga, not understanding, said, "So, you don't want to leave North Africa just because you fought for eight months?"

Africa lowered her head and murmured softly, "I tried, but then I realized I couldn't leave it.

Because apart from shooting, I can't do anything else well.

My brother took me to work in that hotel for two years, but every day of those two years was very tough for me.

Anyone approaching from behind would make me very tense. Only when I was holding a gun was my heart calm."

Joe Ga could roughly understand her mental state. It was that of a naive girl suddenly thrust into a brutal war and fighting from the start to the finish.

Those cruel experiences were carved into her mind in just eight months, like a carving knife.

Joe Ga knew how terrible the consequences could be for female snipers captured by the enemy. Africa had endured pressures and trials more challenging than many men.

Such a person was very dangerous, but Joe Ga felt he might indeed need someone like that.

Formally trained, a professional soldier, experienced in gruesome warfare, and with extensive combat experience.

So far, Joe Ga only had Karman as a helper. Having another sniper could provide an extra layer of security during dealings with others.

The only issue was whether Africa could be trusted. Saving Joe Ga's life was one thing; whether Joe Ga could safely entrust his life to her was another, since she seemed to have a complicated background…

Looking at the silent Africa, Joe Ga hesitated for a moment before saying, "Why do you want to stay with me? You need to give me a convincing reason.

Most importantly, you need to tell me the source of your so-called 'weapons.'

A few seconds later, Africa spoke calmly, "My brother was in charge of a secret arms cache left by Colonel Ka.

In the past few days, he became very nervous, saying that people had started paying attention to him, so anyone appearing near us would make him very nervous.

The attack on the hotel by Jindawei's militia might have been partly to find him.

Now that he's dead, I want to avenge him. I want to kill the Jindawei. If you're willing to help me, you can have all the arms that my brother hid."

Upon hearing this, Joe Ga was slightly disappointed, "So you want to stay just to avenge your brother? What are you thinking? I don't even think I'm capable of that."

Africa shook her head seriously, "No, you are. Your shooting skills are so good that they are unbelievable to me.

I don't want to wipe out all of Jindawei's militia. I just want to kill their leader."

And if you had seen my brother's arsenal, you would know that dealing with a bunch of militiamen is not at all difficult.

It is a secret base, known only to my brother and me."

As Nis spoke, she watched Joe Ga with a strange expression on his face, her own bearing a bitter smile, "I also need a job, a job that doesn't make me suffer so much.

You are a good person, and if possible, I would like to work for you."

As Joe Ga hesitated, Karman suddenly spoke up, "Boss, you should give her a chance. She has been influenced by the 'Devil,' but she herself has not become a devil. She is a person with a conscience."

After hearing this, Joe Ga looked at Karman, who was making faces at him, and shook his head with a chuckle, "Are you sure you're not just after Nis's brother's arsenal?

We handle our own small skirmishes, but since someone is targeting her brother, it's very likely they'll target her too."

Upon hearing this, Nis shook her head, "No one knows I'm his sister. You've met my brother, do you believe he is my brother?"

Recalling that man's harsh demeanor, Joe Ga shook his head, "I indeed cannot imagine a brother who would treat his sister so harshly."

Eager to earn money, Karman shook his head, "Boss, everything has its risks. In Africa, owning more than $200 could cost your life, and it doesn't matter whether you are in big or small business."

Caught off guard, Joe Ga faltered and then, after a long pause, looked at Nis, "You heard what I told the client. I am an arms dealer, I really do want to make this deal happen, but I'm not particularly keen on taking risks with my people."

Nis removed the scarf from her head, looked at Joe Ga and said, "I know, so I want you to first visit my brother's arsenal before deciding.

There are many things there that you wouldn't imagine. As long as you help me get my revenge, all those things will be yours."

Joe Ga fell silent for a moment before asking, "Where is the arsenal?"

Seeing that Joe Ga was visibly intrigued, Nis said, "It's in a valley in the north of Darfur, near the borders of Liberia and Chad, once a secret base supported by Colonel Ka to aid warlords.

Due to its remote geographical location, it has been abandoned for a long time. If you're interested, we can leave now; it's about a 15-hour drive."

Joe Ga nodded, stood up and said, "What gun do you use? I'll prepare the weapons, and then we can drive off. I hope that so-called arsenal won't disappoint me."

After listening, Nis thought for a moment and said, "I need a TAC-50 sniper rifle, a handgun, and if the TAC-50 isn't available, I can settle for an SVD."

Joe Ga was momentarily stunned and curiously said, "A TAC-50? You actually use an anti-material weapon? What's the farthest target you've hit?"

Nis pondered and replied, "I haven't kept precise records, but with the TAC-50, a comfortable shooting range for me is between 500 and 1300 meters."

Joe Ga was taken aback; he hadn't managed to exceed a range of 850 meters until now, and suddenly this girl tells him she can comfortably hit a target at 1300 meters, which was a bit of a surprise.

Those who haven't shot in real conditions can't grasp its difficulty; this requires not just a steady hand, but also strong computing ability and a sense of shooting, something Joe Ga himself definitely couldn't achieve at the moment.

Whether Nis was boasting still needed to be verified, but Joe Ga had already made up his mind. If possible, it would be best to keep this girl. Having long-range support firepower when doing business in the future would be beneficial.

Gesturing to Karman, Joe Ga said with a smile, "Take her to find a room to freshen up, find her some suitable clothes, and I'll fetch her the equipment.

We'll head out to Darfur overnight, take a look at that arsenal, and while we're at it, see if my client's unfortunate son is still salvageable!"