Chapter 33 Trading Conditions

Joe Ga was very pleased that Karman and Nis didn't show any displeasure or resistance.

This not only indicated that they were clear-headed but also that they were not particularly greedy people.

The vagueness of Joe Ga regarding the cost needed to handle the arms here was actually because he hadn't fully figured it out himself.

The safest method would naturally be to use the Omnipotent Toolbox to disassemble everything here, then recreate them, but that would be too time-consuming. The Omnipotent Toolbox isn't a production line; it should be reserved for more valuable tasks.

What Joe Ga wanted, however, was another way, which was to seal this secret base.

When needed, he could choose to break down the stuff here or to clamber over mountains to come in, fix the Mi-8 helicopter, and then use the aircraft to transport the goods out.