Chapter 47 The Brilliance of Humanity

Joe Ga had heard Ayu's story and knew that she could not bear children, so he easily guessed what the so-called 'children' really were.

Driven by curiosity, he pointed at the leopard in the courtyard and said, "Do you have other 'children'? Why don't you release them into the wild?"

Ayu shook her head and replied, "Those 'children' were all snatched from poachers. I've set free those that could be released, the rest are either injured or have physical defects.

Letting them go would be forcing them to die!"

For the first time, Joe Ga really saw what people call the light of humanity in an African, and it felt very strange. A person who struggled to feed herself had saved so many animals...

Karman once said that kindness backed by violence was true kindness!

Ayu definitely met Karman's standards for 'kindness'!

This woman, with a body like that of a goddess, had faced inhuman treatment but still held a passion for life.