Chapter 52: Do We Need a Helicopter?

The three were amateurs when it came to helicopter transport.

The Mi-8 helicopter had a carrying capacity of 3.5 tons, but they hadn't considered this issue at all. They just loaded as much as possible, completely disregarding any standards for safe arms transport.

However, Joe Ga was a bit more cautious. In the first batch, he chose 50 machine guns and one hundred thousand bullets, 20 RPGs, and 2 mortars, and secured the arms crates tightly inside the cabin.

After the cabin was mostly filled, Joe Ga somewhat confusedly chose to take off. Fortunately, they encountered no issues and quickly reached their altitude limit. After nearly four and a half hours of flight, they arrived at the coordinates provided by Lu Jun.

Nowadays, smartphones are sufficient to meet most navigation needs, and China's network equipment, built under the SD aid program, covers most of the area.

The plains of Koldovan were covered with vast expanses of green.