Chapter 89: It Will Get Better!

The 120mm mortar that had been dragged over was being aimed in a new direction for the third time.

But this time, there were more people taking care of it. Joe Ga, like playing with a toy, carefully adjusted the position of the mortar while Dorian, with a touch of swagger, pulled out his phone and tapped it a few times to recalculate the firing elevation of the mortar.

While the two were busy, Karman was carefully disassembling the fuzes from ten mortar shells.

The old guy was still somewhat unwilling to abandon the arms cache in the hotel's backyard, and he himself had a deep-seated dislike for the Kadins.

So, driven by the notion of 'if I can't have it, neither can the Kadins,' the old guy wanted to kill a bunch of Kadins and destroy those arms as well.

Antar was responsible for continuing to surveil the hotel scene, and Nis was aiming an ATC-50 at the streets near the hotel.