Chapter 130: Big Business

'Professor' had never imagined that Joe Ga, with just one trip out, would actually bring back a defense minister.

Although it was the defense minister of Central Africa, this person was indeed a 'big shot,' capable of bickering with others at the United Nations—a 'big shot' indeed.

However, Central Africa was under an arms embargo due to sanctions, and the 'Professor' knew that doing business with such a person would require going through a middleman like Joe Ga for it to be feasible. Otherwise, even if they came to an agreement, Yuginebert Company might not be able to deliver the goods.

This 'Professor' took the initiative to greet Mary Aenola and then invited his wife and daughter to meet the Central African Minister of Defense. Following that, he pulled his assistant, the blindly acting Andre, to start quoting legal statutes from Europa and Africa to prepare to assist Joe Ga in concluding this important negotiation.