A Straight Leg Through the Intestines!

Looking at the sumptuous dishes on the table, Li Yueming did not have much appetite.

He threw his chopsticks aside and stood up." I'm not eating anymore. Let's go out and kill some people!""

He looked at the murderous Li Yueming in front of him.

To be honest.

Wang Ermazi felt numb.

Big brother.

Did he have to be so fierce?

Wasn't it too irritable to kill someone without a word?

But before he could react, Li Yueming had already stood up and pushed the door open.

He couldn't stop it.

Wang Ermazi could only brace himself and follow.

When they passed by the inn's lobby.

The waiter saw that the two of them were about to go out and specially instructed,"Sir, our port city is very chaotic at night. The officers don't even dare to interfere. If you must go out, you must be careful!"

Li Yueming nodded to indicate that he understood.

After throwing a few silver coins to the waiter, he left with Wang Er Mazi without looking back.