The Great Hero of Ligang City?

He had digested all the experience he had gained from the battle that night.

Li Yueming glanced at the sky outside the window.

Although it was still dark.

However, the sound of porters and carriages could already be heard on the street outside the inn.

Most of the fishermen in Qingdu Port went out to sea to catch fish in the early hours of the morning. They would drive their fishing boats back to land at dawn.

The word 'fresh' was very important for seafood.

Therefore, he had no choice.

The fish that were fished up in the middle of the night would be loaded onto carriages and sent inland as soon as they reached the shore.

Now that he heard the sound of the carriage, it meant that dawn was not far away.

Li Yueming closed his eyes and rested for a while.

Fortunately, his current physical fitness was already extraordinary.

He didn't care if he had to endure for a day or two.

Half an hour later.