After two years, he had swept through everything once again!_1

Two years ago.

The six-year-old Li Ming could kill the famous Iron Fist Brotherhood in Qingdu Port with his own strength.

And now.

After two years of hard work, Li Yueming had grown more than ten centimeters taller.

His physique had also increased exponentially.

Wang Ermazi couldn't even imagine it.

If Li Yueming were to make a move now, it would cause a huge commotion!

He changed into a set of thicker clothes.

Facing the falling snow.

After two years, Li Yueming finally walked out of the courtyard.

Qingdu Port hadn't changed much.

The only difference was that there were more Westerners on the streets.

In the past, there would be at most one or two foreigners on the streets.

Now, it had expanded to three or four out of ten people.

The Western European preachers held the Bible in their hands and went from door to door to preach the doctrine.